Lift2Shift Member


  • Step away from the scales! Your weight can fluctuate literally by lbs depending on the time of day you weight yourself, the fluids you have consumed and the stage of digestion any food within you is at. By weighing yourself daily you may be setting yourself up for disappointment - Oh No! Soldier girl's comment regarding…
  • If you're on facebook have a look at 'The Fit Community' page they have loads of sessions and ideas under their workout tab - good luck!
  • Turn your office into your gym! Squats, lunges, press ups, tricep dips, core balances ... If your office has a bit of space get Insanity on the go during your lunch break and bring kit to change into with you, walk or cycle to work instead of driving - always use the stairs - bop around the office to music if you have a…
  • Hello Mariya, I agree with each of the previous posts. What you burn is relative to the rest and working speeds and durations as well as your body composition. Forty-five minutes is too long to get real benefit out of HIIT if you are working at the correct intensity. Duration isn't the key - train harder, not longer. If…
  • It's definitely a stone! Is this a page for updating and motivating or also sharing training diaries etc?
  • I am so with you on this I've just joined the site today after yo-yoing throughout the year, will be nice to have company along the way!