Desk exercises?

I've got my own office so I don't have to worry about looking silly! But not sure what would would work without getting all sweaty! I could probably walk in place at my desk and I've heard sitting on a fitness ball vs a desk chair is supposed to be good but past that to be honest I'm not sure what else I could do!

I'm more or less at my desk my entire shift. I have the odd "off break" run to the bathroom or for water/coffee but it's not an active job. I also work overnight so it's too dark to go walk on my lunch break. I'm going to start doing 30mins of walking following my shift but I'd like to do something more during the 8 hours prior to be more active!


  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    Lol, I have my resistance bands next to my desk. They're on a hook. I also have a mat in the closet, but there are clothes blocking it right now, so only my resistance bands.

    Here are a few you can do on your own without equipment.
  • Lift2Shift
    Lift2Shift Posts: 6 Member
    Turn your office into your gym!

    Squats, lunges, press ups, tricep dips, core balances ...

    If your office has a bit of space get Insanity on the go during your lunch break and bring kit to change into with you, walk or cycle to work instead of driving - always use the stairs - bop around the office to music if you have a radio and try to move as much as possible.

    Set yourself a body weight circuit you have to do every time you need to go through the threshold of your door just 5 reps of 5 exercises can really benefit. We use training games like this when we're deployed in the military and may not be able to get to a gym, just keeps the training momentum going!

    If you're worried about getting sweaty take kit into work with you, even just a spare t-shirt and a wash kit! You're only limited by inhibitions on this one!

  • addysolari
    addysolari Posts: 181 Member
    Kegels ....... the butt of every joke
  • FrancineM62
    FrancineM62 Posts: 42 Member
    I recently went to a "Deskercise" workshop. One of the things they said to do is get a big exercise ball instead of an office chair.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    How about do lunges every 30 minutes?
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Thanks everyone these are great! Looking forward to hearing more =)
  • skhuu
    skhuu Posts: 25 Member
    Is your office building large? I walk in circles around all the hallways in the winter when it's too cold to go outside for a walk.

    I also try to stand/pace for all of my teleconferences that don't require me to look at my computer.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Make sure you get your real workouts in. The ones where you sweat. Unless you've figured out how to do serious bodyweight work quietly and sweat free, you aren't going to achieve much in your office.

    That said, I prefer to do most of my work standing up, so I do my reading and doc review on a short bookcase in my office. I doubt it does much though.
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    tricep dips at the edge of desk, inverted push ups(feet on desk, hands on floor) jumping jacks on top of desk, be bold, bench press the desk!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Pull ups in doorframes? :devil:
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Not a big building or one with a lot of stairs, but there's an alternate way to coffee/fridge that I could at least run 11 stairs one way since it'd be messy running -with- coffee back to my desk, unless I get a lidded cup! ;) We're not able to have radios going but I can *quietly* do some side straddle hops or flutter kicks or the like and have started those at the top of the hour. Going in search of the old "challenge" groups on here that used to exist, did a pushup one years back and loved it! Figure that external motivation of watching the group improve is only going to help keep me on track.

    I Did bring in the bar and it's in my doorway. I remember being able to actually do dead hang pullups so I'm a little demoralized that getting up on the bar is so hard but, use it or lose it right? So it'll only improve from here.

    Hopefully I don't get too many silly looks and if I do, I can return them when it's "New Year's" and everyone is on a diet with those resolutions that set in that time of year!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    You can do rows with the bar if you can't quite manage pull ups. Could hook a towel round the bar to get more horizontal.
  • Lift2Shift
    Lift2Shift Posts: 6 Member
    If you're on facebook have a look at 'The Fit Community' page they have loads of sessions and ideas under their workout tab - good luck!