Prd2bema2 Member


  • Hi!! I'm also looking for friends!! :) I tried posting a topic, but I don't think I did it correctly!! I need to drop 50 lbs by next year. I'd of course like to do it sooner!!
  • I'm looking for friends too!! :) You can add me!
  • Hey guys! I feel pretty crappy today. I have been doing so good for a month now and lost so much so I figured I'd give myself a day of enjoying foods that I miss!! Well, now I FEEL CRAPPY!! I'm mad at myself. I still logged my calorie intake and I was over by 1000 something! That is what made me feel like crap! Guess i'm…
  • Hey guys! I feel pretty crappy today. I have been doing so good for a month now and lost so much so I figured I'd give myself a day of enjoying foods that I miss!! Well, now I FEEL CRAPPY!! I'm mad at myself. I still logged my calorie intake and I was over by 1000 something! That is what made me feel like crap! Guess i'm…
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter Thanks for letting me know we move every week!!!! I had no idea! I think everyone is doing a great job!! I KNOW I have never been more proud of myself! I weighed in at 213 this am
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOO... I'm so proud of myself!
  • GOOD ADVICE............... alway stretch before your workout. I do it afterwards too just so my muscles don't tense up!
  • Thanks Pinbotchick!! I'll weigh myself on Fridays!! I wasn't going to do it every week only because if I don't drop any weight or I gain, I'll be very very discouraged and I don't want to give up!!
  • Hi All!! I'm new to I HAVE never weighed this much in my life!! I had injured my back in December 2008 and was unable to work or move for 3 months. Since then, the weight has just packed on! :( I started my diet / exercise program last week and weighed in at 235lbs!!! I weighed myself last night and lost…