MerryChicky Member


  • Michonne & Morgan Only one of my three goals met this week. Anxiety over an upcoming move reached up and bit me. Didn't do the attack challenge, either.
  • I had so much fun with the bo staff video, I think I'll try the MMA this week. :)
  • Team Name: Michonne & Morgan My Three Goals Met: 1. 20 minutes of cardio, then stretch, on three days. YES! 2. Prepare at least one home-cooked meal from my Recipe Box on five days. YES! 3. Substitute green tea for coffee on my days off work - Wednesday and Friday. Um... Yes on Wednesday. Forgot on Friday. Attack Survived:…
  • Omg, this looks like so much fun! I've got a walking stick that should work just fine. :)
  • Hey! How's everyone doing with their goals this week so far? My local weather took a turn for the warmer, and I'm sensitive enough to the heat that walking would be unfun. So, I'm gonna modify my first goal to "20 minutes of cardio, then stretch, on three morning." I know I can do that in the air conditioning without…
  • Hi! I'm a big Michonne fan, and I look forward to seeing what Morgan will bring to this season. They're both basically ninjas at this point, lol, so it should be interesting. My three goals for the first week will be: 1. Walk a 20 minute mile, then stretch, on three mornings. 2. Prepare at least one home-cooked meal from…
  • This looks like fun. Count me in on team Michonne and Morgan. :)