dramm674 Member


  • How do your clothes feel? I have been told by many to not just look at the number on the scale, but how your body is changing. I understand your frustration though. My scale will not budge. To add to that frustration, my husband decided to lose 8 pounds and it happened by just going out to mow the lawn. :angry: UGH lol.
  • New to MFP and trying to get on track again. Anyone who wants to add me would be great. It always helps to have friends when you are going through a challenge :smile:
  • Thanks for the encouraging words. Nice to know that I am not the only one. Loved the "grasshopper" name. :smile: It made me smile and I really needed that today, thanks. Not looking to build muscle, just want to lose weight and tone. :)
  • Totally agree with you there. The exercising has been helpful with keeping the winter blues away. We are having one of the worst winters on record this year and no end in sight for March. :frown: That is why my goal is to track, track, track :happy:
  • Thanks for the ideas! I would love to swim, but do not have a pool near me. :( They want me to keep weight off of it as much as possible so I think the idea of doing mat work and working my upper body will do good. The doctor said a stationary bike would be ok as long as I use my heel. Any recommendations on a good…