

  • WOW!!! You look amazing!!! Keep up the good work!! :)
  • I've never really been a breakfast person either, but you're right, it is important to eat something to get your metabolism going in the mornings. I usually wait an hour or two until I get up, get ready, get to work, and get settled, then I eat a banana or dry cereal, or either drink a slim fast or special K shake. Also,…
  • I, too, find that the most effective and least tiresome workouts are ones you actually enjoy. When you don't like something (like running or something), it takes so much effort, seems to take forever, and you give out quicker. I like dancing so I do a hip hop dance workout everyday. I think its good for everyone to find a…
  • Don't be sad!! Hang out with your girl friends and just enjoy being single while you still are. As soon as you stop looking, love will find you. When a person is confident and content, it shows, and those are the types of people others enjoy being around. Cheer up and just know, only you can truly make you happy!! :)…
  • I do feel weird in a gym sometimes when I'm working out and other people can see me, but when I'm at home, I feel much more comfortable. I do a hip hop dance workout that I absolutely love, so it makes me feel kinda cool to do it. LOL!!! Don't worry about what others think, especially your family. They love you and…