What do you think?

I wanted to start doing cardio that I enjoy so I started roller skating. I have been doing it since I was 12, but didn't think of it as a work out and haven't done it in a couple years. I did 75 mintues around my neighborhood today. I def wouldn't feel like walking/running that long lol.


  • tracivee
    tracivee Posts: 56 Member
    I think that's excellent! Any kind of activity is good, as long as you do it consistently. Good luck!
  • Azlan9055
    Azlan9055 Posts: 5
    I, too, find that the most effective and least tiresome workouts are ones you actually enjoy. When you don't like something (like running or something), it takes so much effort, seems to take forever, and you give out quicker. I like dancing so I do a hip hop dance workout everyday. I think its good for everyone to find a workout that's fun and that they enjoy, so more power to ya. Keep roller skating!! :)
  • charlottebronte
    That sounds like fun! I would definitely break my neck on roller skates, but it seems to work for you! Well done!!
  • bmiller211
    bmiller211 Posts: 222 Member
    well while it isn't really aerobic it will definitely give your legs a workout and if you go fast enough it will be aerobic but doing anything is better than doing nothing.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Rollerskating kills me - I get out of breath really quickly and the next day my legs and bum hurt sooo much. I can't see why you can't count it!!
  • Chrissy_lynne
    I am thinking of doing the biggest loser video at night in combination with it, so hopefully between the two I can lose some weight!
  • Chrissy_lynne
    I am just trying to find some ways to stay more active, I clean houses professionally and even though it doesn't sound hard its is ALOT of work. Most days I come home and just want to lay on the couch and cry. I am pathetic I know lol..