

  • Since there is no guaranteed way to put you actual calorie expenditure, the readings you see on the machine are based on standard formulas- If you weight this much, and you are this old, on avg you will burn xx Calories. If you use a HRM, i understand that Polar is a bit more conservative on their calorie calc, once again…
  • here you go: http://www.fooducate.com/blog/2010/01/03/three-reasons-to-rethink-that-diet-coke-youre-about-to-drink/
  • I use a heart rate watch that tracks calories. For mine, you key in Age, Weight, Level of Fitness, etc. Then i start the watch, and it's tracking my calorie burn based on ACTUAL Heart rate and uses age/weight for the burn rate. I found that 30 mins of wieght training gets me an average of ~400 cal burn. Keep in mind i'm…
  • You probably want to focus on cardio more than weights, or doing lighter weights and look into "Circuit Training" with short rest periods. read up on Calorie Deficit. Keep at it. It will come off. gaining muscle takes some time, so you may be holding water weight. NOTE: I am not a certifiied trainer/nutritionist or…
    in HELP!!! Comment by xlumabao April 2011
  • :tongue: Agree 100%- There is no such thing as TARGET weight loss, but there is Target shaping. Better use of words? Gazbo1986 is absolutely correct. Target Weightloss DOES NOT EXIST. Otherwise everyone would have 6 pack abs and a swimwear model's butt for 3 easy payments of $19.95
  • You might wanna try doing some Squats, Lunges and walking uphill. Target weight loss is a pain. Just keep working at it, and if you aren't doing weights, i DEFINITELY recommend it :). Leg days will SUCK, but after a couple weeks, and the soreness in your glutes, you WILL See/Feel results :). Keep at it!:wink: