bridge749 Member


  • I just turned 40 and am trying to lose the baby weight. ( I have a 4 yr old and a 1 1/2 yr old) Please add me!!
  • Welcome! I am fairly new myself! Good luck with everything! As far as being could alway try snacks that are high in protein, they tend to make you less hungry. ( at least for me). I have a rice cake with Peanut butter and it ussually does the trick or a protein shake! again, welcome & good luck!!
  • Yes! Yes! I understand!! It took us 2 years to get pregnant with my beautiful son ( almost 2) I have had 2 before my son and one after. I have been TTCing baby #2 for a year and a half. I have been seeing a fertility specialist for 6 months. I did 5 rounds of Clomid & progesterine and 4 IUI's ...still no…