Another Newbie! =)

Hello everyone!!
I am 26 (soon to be 27 on Halloween), 5'2, started out at 222.4lbs. I started this past Monday and so far so good (I think). I have struggled with being overweight since I was a kid. I have tried to diet many different times, including doing weight watchers 3-4 different times. I liked weight watchers, but I kept falling off the wagon with things such as vacations, etc. Therefore, I was paying the price for weight watchers when I really wasnt following it. My cousin has been using MFP and liked it so I thought I would try it. I got some of my friend to start using it so that we could be motivation for one another. Since starting this Monday, my body seems to be a little hungry during the day in between meals. Any suggestions to help with this? I am allowed 1300 calories a day and have been sticking to that rather well. Any and all tips are appreciated! =) I'm ready to succeed at this weight loss and lifestyle change!


  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    welcome and good luck on your journey !!
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Welcome!!! GL on your journey!!! =) Feel free to add me! This site is great! So much easier then counting points. I love it!
  • bridge749
    bridge749 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! I am fairly new myself! Good luck with everything! As far as being could alway try snacks that are high in protein, they tend to make you less hungry. ( at least for me). I have a rice cake with Peanut butter and it ussually does the trick or a protein shake! again, welcome & good luck!!
  • BrandyRelaxing
    BrandyRelaxing Posts: 68 Member
    Snacks are very important, you can eat a smaller meal if you have a snack in between. If you can get protein in the snack, all the better! I try to avoid sugary items (i.e. fruit) on their own because they make me hungrier. Also, WATER! It's honestly what keeps me full, and gives me exercising going from my office to the bathroom multiple times a day! Feel free to add me if you're looking for another buddy!
  • smchic2012
    smchic2012 Posts: 21 Member
    I've been on here for 25 days and I've already lost 10 lbs and I'm half way to my goal of 20 lbs by Thanksgiving, then I will set another goal. I need to take this in small chunks and hopefully I will have lots of success. You can do this, it's a very easy program to use if you have an iPhone then download the app - it makes tracking easy because you can it anywhere. I think it really helps keep me focused. Good Luck!
  • welcome to mfp..
  • Welcome! Good luck on your journey to a healthier life! I am new to the site as well, and so far I have found it to be great!
  • emilyluksic
    emilyluksic Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone for the welcomes!!! =)
  • Welcome, this place has been awesome for support! I think the first few days are the hardest. everyone here is great for motivation!!