Catjayne2009 Member


  • I'm in! I have gained so much weight lately since getting married last year I need to get back ontrack. Feel utterly disgusted in myself after all the hard work I put in before the wedding. I need the support so thanks for setting this up
  • I'm in too- this could be what I need to get out of my weight loss plateau and get to where I want to be for my wedding I'm August....let's do it guys whooo!!!
  • I think it's because I lost that in the first couple of weeks and have not changed since- that's why I'm frustrated tavistocktoad but I see your point. Just weighed myself again and no change again : ( ...but I'm not giving up!
  • Just went on and I'm an endomorph 100%! Thank you soo much for this tip ittybiitychub as it totally describes my body shape and diet issues I have. I actually feel happier for knowing this and that I just have to accept that my friends can do little exercise, eat crap…
  • Yeah sugar is something I struggle to manage. I cut it out totally for 7weeks last year whilst I did some personal training and it did help but I struggled to maintain it. Left to my own will I could eat it all day but using MFP helps to keep it to a decent level. Thanks for this ittybiitychub, and I must admit I've not…