

  • @Gabbymom34 Really sorry to hear you are having such a problem. Everyones experience after surgery is different. I know for the first week I didn't like the taste of anything nor did I even feel like eating or drinking but I knew I HAD TO. A lot of it was forced at first and eventually got easier. I hope things get easier…
  • Thank you. I'm looking forward to trying something new. I'll definitely be looking for a Vitamin Shoppe too. All I have nearby is a GNC and they don't carry much.
  • I had gestational diabetes with all three of my pregnancies. After the last one it just stuck, which was about 6 years ago. So not too long ago but long enough. My weight loss has slowed as well. I lost most of my weight before surgery. A total of 57lbs so far, 45lbs before surgery & 12lbs after (2wks, 2days).
  • Gabbymom34 All I can tell you is to take it slow. I take my food & water in every half hour, about 1/4 of a cup (or atleast try to). As far as the taste, I know what you mean and I'm just hoping it gets better over time. Good luck.
  • Thank you all. The first week was a huge struggle but this second week is getting a lot easier for sure. My problem is that I started with Unjury samples and found the chocolate and vanilla pretty good but have run out and had to buy my own. I started with Pure Protein from Wal-mart and...Yuck! Trying to mix it with more…
  • Thank you all for the great advice. It is very much welcomed. I'm excited for this journey & glad I found this group. Good luck Geri! I am only a week ahead of you & get excited as well when I notice something new on my list of eats. This group has been a great find.
  • I have type 2 diabetes. Just had surgery on 10/23/13. My blood surgars are great. I had stopped using insulin a few months before surgery and then was taken off my actos + metformin combo the day of surgery. I haven't had any problems since. I am expecting to be taken off my blood pressure meds soon since I have been…
  • Love that I found this group! Finally, people that get it!