haniscor Member


  • When I feel like that, I do cardio. For some reason it makes me not hungry. I mean, who wants to run with a stomach full of ice cream?
  • It will be safe to eat for a long time, but it won't taste as good or have good texture as it ages. Also if your freezer doesn't keep good temperature or does a bad job in its thaw cycles, the quality will drop faster. But even freezer burned, it is edible.
  • Actually, the machine might even be a bit high.
  • Dark chocolate covered dried mango (or orange peel) does it for me. Small portions and so good. Since it is fruit, it must be healthy, right?
  • You mean like the MyFitnessPal app?
  • Careful with liquids though. Ounces (oz.) is a weight measure that you can use the scale for. Fluid Ounces (fl. oz.) is a liquid volume measure that you should use a measuring cup to measure out. Sure, though, if the label has the weight on there, you can use that too, but when most people say 8 ounces of orange juice,…
  • I am 88 kg and use the procor 354 elliptical. I'll do 45 min on level 10 incline and 10 resistance out of 20 on both scales. The machine says I burn 700-750 calories tromping along at about 145 stp per min and keeping my heart rate at 145. I also go as fast as I can for one min at each 5 min mark spiking my heart rate to…
  • Some of the machines include the calories that you expend just being alive while on the machine. Others include the calories they expect you to burn in an afterburn effect after having done the exercise. These can make the number much higher as they aren't calories directly attributable to the work you did on the machine…