mandarbuddha Member


  • Hi! So glad i found this group. It's just nice to be reminded that i'm not the only one struggling with the weight for hormonal reasons. I lost 60 lbs over 2012-13, but 18 months of not taking care of my PCOS and i started gaining--add stress and holidays and i'm back to my heaviest. But now i know what works and what…
  • Hi there! I am also on my 2nd attempt--lost 40+, gained back 20, back on track again. I need to take a page from you and make myself workout--even when i've eaten horribly for the day. Rachael Ray once said, "if i eat more, i move more" and i am hoping some accountability on here will help hold me to that. Welcome--let's…
  • I had just been feeling the same way--that the progress wasn't showing how i thought it should, or that maybe i am just stuck halfway through. your pics are so motivating!! I am going to find some old and new ones of myself to get inspired again. thank you for being brave enough to share--it is just the kick in the pants i…