Day 1 from Portland.

Hi, I am Karla!

I am 28 (29 in October) and this is day one for me.

I went to a baby shower on Sunday and someone took a picture of me with the mommy-to-be and I kid you not, I looked like a five foot sumo wrestler.

I am 5 feet even and when I weighed myself yesterday I was at 225. I am hoping to start with little goals - my first one one is to lose 25lbs.

Even though I had already filled with horrible foods yesterday before I decided to kick my but into gear, I decided to start my first daily burn workout and I was sweating buckets!

I am hoping that if I actually participate and get support I can do this.

Next year I turn 30 and I also will be getting my Bachelors degree. How awesome would it be if I were fit as well?!


  • jenniferrr127
    jenniferrr127 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi && welcome! Feel free to add me!! =D
  • kimber77
    kimber77 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Day 1...this is my second attempt at doing this lets do it together! I am 42 and weight of 180 height of 5'5. I just want to eat better and feel better and exercise smarter!
  • mandarbuddha
    mandarbuddha Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I am also on my 2nd attempt--lost 40+, gained back 20, back on track again.

    I need to take a page from you and make myself workout--even when i've eaten horribly for the day. Rachael Ray once said, "if i eat more, i move more" and i am hoping some accountability on here will help hold me to that.

    Welcome--let's get fit together!!
  • karlabranson
    karlabranson Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for all the kind words!

    So excited to get into gear!