agkg2004 Member


  • Hey there! I'm a military wife and stay at home mom of 3 little rambunctious children! I am on a mission to get my body back after 3 kids. I am aiming for 20 pounds. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Hi! Welcome to the site! I am a stay at home mom too. I homeschool our 3 children so finding time to exercise is really hard. I agree with the support system. You really do need one to keep yourself going! You can do it though! Keep up the good work!!
  • I would love do join! I am at 155 and I just started so no difference in my weigh in there but Monday's are my weigh in so this works great. My husband is deployed right now to Iraq and I would love to be down 20 pounds by the time he gets home this summer! Definitely need motivation though! I have 3 kids and homeschool 2…