Bikini Body Summer Sucuessors :)

MorningRevelation Posts: 26
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I know I sure can't! And summer will be here before we even know it!

It's time to really kick our butts in gear, and lose our fat! lose our thighs, and gain the strength, motivation and muscle we need to look sexy this summer :bigsmile:

Maybe you don't want to fit into a bikini, but wouldn't it be nice to fit into something smaller than whatever swimsuit you have hanging in the back of your closet right now! You know, that swim suit that you are always telling yourself, ugh I look so FAT in that!



We will weigh in every Monday morning, that way we can be fully responsible for the ENTIRE weekend! No slackin!
Set personal goals with the group and tell us so we can support you 110%!
Try to drink 8 glasses of water a day!

BRING IT ON - SUMMER 2011! :):smokin:


  • Well my initial goal isn't to fit into a bikini, but it is definitely to be able to go buy some new shorts for the beach this summer.
    I write my last midterm this friday (biochemistry) and hope to start running outside and start shedding some body fat while enjoying some fresh air!

    Good luck everyone
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm totally in!! I've been thinkin about summer a lot lately and what I wanna wear. You'll see me here every Monday!!!
  • lemanda
    lemanda Posts: 116 Member
    My too! Mondays is a weigh-in day for me, so it'll be perfect!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I would like to join. I don't want to spend the summer hiding in a sweat shirt, I want to get back into my skinny t-shirts. My goal for this week is to do at leat 60 minutes of exercise a day Including the Shred that I started yesterday. Oh, I guess that means I still have 20 minutes to go today, hmmm . . . . . . .
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I LOVE summer challenges.
    I would love to meet my goal by may 10, since I'm leaving for the beach May 12. My Big goal is to be at 140-145. I will be happy at 150 by the beach though!

    CW: 187.2
    GW: By May 10, 150
    Ultimate Goal: 140-145
  • Southeast Asia May 10! Need to be in shape for the beach, and to climb onto all those sailboats and temple tours and elephants and kayaks!!

    Joined this website today. Joined an exercise team at my gym for the month of March - 2 days a week, team of 6 people, with an excellent trainer. Third session optional, but 8am on Saturday morning, hmmmm ... probably won't be making that one.

    Trying to cut down on the nightly vino & cheese - two of my very favorite things in the world! I'm going to use the food diary to track what I eat. I did this last fall on a different website, and that combined with the support on the boards helped me a lot!

    So, my goal is to loose 10 pounds by May 4, eat much healthier, drink less alcohol, and exercise consistently. I'll have to setup some mini-goals, as that should really help! I'm here to support anyone who needs it, and appreciate any help you all want to throw my way.

    Cheers All ... let's gooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I'm not focusing on the number on the scale going down right now. I really want to lose these thighs! I've just started my first semester of my "career" degree (primary education) and I'm aiming to hit the gym three times a week. I would love love love to be comfortable in my bikini by September (my birthday!).
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Is it time to weigh in already?

    2/28- 143

    I did 40 minutes of intense exercise yesterday and walked around my island for the other 20. (Don't I sound exciting with my own island? It's in my kitchen so it's less exciting.)

    Have a great day, Everyone! Meet those goals!:happy:
  • Is it time to weigh in already?

    2/28- 143

    I did 40 minutes of intense exercise yesterday and walked around my island for the other 20. (Don't I sound exciting with my own island? It's in my kitchen so it's less exciting.)

    Have a great day, Everyone! Meet those goals!:happy:

    There's a girl with some imagination - Gotta love the Island!! Does it have a name?! Good job on completing your hour of exercise! :)
  • Just getting started - this is day 1 for me. I tracked my food yesterday just for kicks. Did great until I got home from work at 11pm and added almost 1000 calories of wine, salami & cheese. Integral parts of any diet (bad diet!), right?

    Weighing in at 128
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    There's a girl with some imagination - Gotta love the Island!! Does it have a name?! Good job on completing your hour of exercise! :)

    No, my island doesn't have a name, though that is a good idea. I usually have imaginary horse races with my kids and that is the track. My horse is named Max. He is blue with pink hair and pink hearts on his bum like a My Little Pony. Thankfully, he's secure enough in his masculinity to handle the pink hearts.:laugh:
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm totally in!! I've been thinkin about summer a lot lately and what I wanna wear. You'll see me here every Monday!!!

    2/28: 165.2
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I got my 60 minutes in: 20 ministepper, 20 shredding, 20 stationary bike.:happy:

    Have a Fantastic Monday, Everyone!
  • I'd like to join! My weigh ins are every Monday as is. I weighed in today and I'm at 145(: So I've lost about 8 lbs in two weeks. I'm doing Turbo Fire and counting calories. I want to be around 115 by my birthday, which is June 25.
  • Well i weighed in and im down to 252 from 260 - but i do realize i weighted myself initially in the evening after a full day of meals and water consumption, and today was after i woke up and was having my a.m. coffee.

    Im sure next week will be a better reflection of where im at :)
  • THANKS EVERYONE for joining!
    I wish you all good luck on this Journey!
    We all have your back! :)

    I didn't get to weigh in today...I woke up late! Sorry! I'll let you know tomorrow -
    I'm pretty sure I didn't lose this week because I was really sick all last week and didn't get much exersize in!

    I'm hoping to hit the Y tonight and bring my history book because I have quatrer finals this week and I need to study my butt off!
    What better time to do that then when I'm working out :)

    Hopefully will get 60 - 90 minutes in tonight.
    60 working out, and 30 lifting :)

    I did good with break fast this morning, and I'm alreayd half way done with my water!

    and if you EVER need support during the week, or whenever, don't fret to drop by for some additional support and motivation!
  • ripple64
    ripple64 Posts: 7
    Woopsie ... the new girl gets off to a less than stellar start!

    Had a massage scheduled at 5pm. Starving before. Caesar & wine. And a full day's calories plus at dinner after the massage. AND no exercise except walking between the massage table and the jacuzzi (which was all divine by the way). When I completed my food (1935 calories OVER my goal) / exercise (0 minutes) journals yesterday, the system told me I was on track to gain 16 pounds if 5 weeks, 'if everyday were like today'. Dang!!

    I CAN DO THIS! I'm going to make up for yesterday. Birthday party tonight, but I'll exercise first, and hope they are serving at least semi-healthy food for dinner. Living in a resort town and working in the service industry definitely has it's temptations!

    Keeping that Thai Beach Bikini in mind ... :)
  • agkg2004
    agkg2004 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love do join! I am at 155 and I just started so no difference in my weigh in there but Monday's are my weigh in so this works great. My husband is deployed right now to Iraq and I would love to be down 20 pounds by the time he gets home this summer! Definitely need motivation though! I have 3 kids and homeschool 2 of them so it gets overwhelming at times and my exercising suffers because of this. Need to keep going though!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I would love do join! I am at 155 and I just started so no difference in my weigh in there but Monday's are my weigh in so this works great. My husband is deployed right now to Iraq and I would love to be down 20 pounds by the time he gets home this summer! Definitely need motivation though! I have 3 kids and homeschool 2 of them so it gets overwhelming at times and my exercising suffers because of this. Need to keep going though!

    Wow! I can see where that must get very overwhelming. Good luck to you!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I got in my 60 minutes of exercise this morning: 20 mini stepper, 20 shred, and 20 stationary bike.

    I woke up in kind of a funk this morning. At least the exercise is done! I love seeing the exercise in my days rear view mirror.:happy:
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