gabiandpete Member


  • Did you mean to type "stress fracture"? Swimming is a great alternative but you should clear any physical activity with your physician.
  • Hello, I went from couch to marathon in my first year of running, despite dire warnings of my feet falling off, insanity, permanent and irreversible death and the like. I followed the Higdon beginners plan, and nothing bad happened...until the actual race. I was not prepared. One 18 miler and one 20 miler were not enough…
  • The general rule of thumb is no hard runs for 3-4 weeks after a marathon, especially your first. A hard run is any form of interval or speedwork, as well as an easy pace (long slow distance) run over say 10 miles. If you google "reverse taper", you'll get some ideas about training plans that will get your mileage back up…