Smushyypanda Member


  • I have wanted to do this for ages and I'm just getting into it. I've done a bit of research but wondered if people wouldn't mind just clarifying a few things. Do you tend to freeze rice or cook it in the morning? If you freeze the rice do you just reheat it in the microwave in the morning? Do you store your bento in the…
  • Hey I had some previous success on here and now I'm back again. Would be nice to have an active friendly group for support :)
  • I'm 20 (will be 21 this June!) just getting back into MFP. Feel free to add me :)
  • Hey feel free to add me. Like you I tend to give it a go and give up after a week but this time I've stuck to it longer. I'm also a uni student so I understand how easy it is to take the easy option and get takeaways. :) However I log on everyday and will always give support.
  • When you meet one of your online friends and have the awkward decision to call them by their real name (that you cant quite remember) or their character name. When you ask for an in-game item for valentines day. When you realise how difficult it would be to date someone the isnt a gamer
  • I played WoW and didnt really enjoy, that and I dont like the subscription fee. Ive played a variety of free to play MMO's, currently on Dragon Prophet but I've been looking at one called Bless thats coming out. Other than that I played the original Guildwars for a good few years and at the moment I play Guildwars 2.…
  • Feel free to add me. I'm a bit of a geek, love a good MMO, play a fair bit of League of Legends and other games mixed in as well. :D
  • At 20 years old I have let myself put on more weight than I would have ever wanted and let myself get quite unfit. When I was younger I used to swim nearly everyday and go horse riding every weekend but stopped very suddenly and haven't done anything since. Due to a medical problem that causes my leg to get painful and…
  • Im 20 and just starting out. Feel free to add me :)
  • It's difficult, I was a mix of comments and support from my family that motivated me, that and seeing the difference in my clothing sizes. I would be glad to help encourage and support you!