

  • Hey welcome back! I'm new and need friends so I'll add you. Stay strong and message me if you need support and motivation!
  • Give it a shot! Focus and don't give up. If you wanted, you could even go on Atkins diet for that 26 days- I personally swear by that diet, its just so awesome! Feel free to add me for support and motivation. Good luck and stay strong!
  • I'm planning on sticking to my average caloric intake but if I go over, I'll just start fresh in the morning :)
  • I used to check the scale several times a day... all that did was put me down. Then I started weighing in every morning which soon put me down due to fluctuations. The best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning once a week! Stay strong!
  • Once upon a time, I went on Atkins for a whole month and lost like 20 pounds. I stuck right to the plan and didn't cheat, it was so worth it! I wanted grilled cheese sandwiches all. The. Time. Lol . I always kept busy though... avoided the kitchen as much as I could. It really helped! I drank a lot of water too.. try…
  • Hi! I'm new here but need some friends for support and motivation too! Feel free to add me! Stay strong ! :)
  • Welcome!!! I'm new as well, just made my account for support and to help with weight loss. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hey there, I'll add you as a friend on here... I just made my account in hopes of losing the weight I need to and to stop binge eating. Some things I have found extremely helpful are to avoid food.. like, if you feel a binge coming on, determine if its just out of boredom or actual hunger. Count to 100 and see if you're…