aussieems Member


  • Wow, thanks everyone... I'm totally blown away by your responses.... After a 13 hour working day, I got home, changed and tried again... Thinking positively and I feel better than ever, it's tough but I got through it and finished less exhausted than ever before. Thanks for all the encouragement everyone. It's helped.…
  • Hi Kelle, I found, like amusedmonkey, that the jumps were huge, too big for me, and I get demoralised and gave up when I couldn't do it. My own fault I guess.... And thanks amusedmonkey, will have a look at it . :)
  • But I want to be a runner (insert 2year old tantrum here, complete with stomping foot) Thanks for the app recommendation, will check it out now:)
  • Thanks everyone for your replies so far. It's comforting to know that others have been there before. I meant by "making me sick" not physically, but more mentally. I think I beat myself up for past behaviours the whole time, I'm shattered before I've even started. I will take all your advice, and run positively tomorrow.…
  • We could be twins! I am the exact same with comfort eating and eating when bored. I've switched to drinking water instead of snacking. When I have lost weight in the past, it has been the planning and pre-prep that has helped. My husband sounds the same as your bf. He can eat anything he wants and still stays skinny...…
  • Hi All, I'm back after a long time of excuses. This time I want to do it, I need to do it, but need the support and motivation of friends on here! Will try my best to be on daily :) Would love to help those like me who are struggling. Feel free to add me if you want some extra motivation :) Aussieems
  • Thank you so much for all your great ideas and talkings to! Its comforting to hear sometimes that you are not alone... Im off to get a fat picture to put on my fridge and have just put dish washign liquid all over the cookies id started to scoff!! no way ill go back for them! I think im just impatient... and when I decide…
  • Hey! I dont claim to be able to resist my temptations, but I have found that brusing my teeth when I have a crazing stops them. the thought of chocolate and toothpaste - YUK! Mints/ chewing gum could work the same if brushing your teeth is inconvenient. Just a thought... Look forward to hear other responses to this!
  • Hey There! Im currently doing INSANITY... and it is what it says on the label - Insane! it is a great work out and Shaun T is very inspiring. Beware, it is a hard workout, but you do as much as you can. Through out the workout, there are a number of people doing it, and it is a releif to see some of them dropping as well…
  • Hi All! Would love to add some of you for some mutual support! Im good for a few days then fall off the wagon very quickly! Need that extra push! I live in the middle east, and have been here for near on 2 years, and still not used to choosing the healthy options. Food is so different and so is the lifestyle! Hope you wont…