

  • im in! ive been slacking lately so being in a group will really help! SW: 162 CW (april 1st):156 GW:130
  • special k original with fresh fruit (i love chopping up a nectarine or peach)... soo yummy!! or the unhealthy approach, cinnamon toast crunch, cant beat that!!
  • thanks guys! i think im just going to go for the fun, maybe get some miso soup or something, but rather just be there to celebrate with my friends! and i totally forgot about all the butter YIKES, yea my stomach will not be happy with all of that fat for sure
  • recently i've been listening to anything lady gaga or shakira's new cd "shewolf" ... i need some new music too!!
  • I couldnt figure out how to put a pic on this... But I did post it in my pics on my profile... Take a look!
  • This has just reminded me that I need to do another spin class soon... Havent been to one in months, and now that Im back in the groove of working out again I think its time to go to a class soon... I always feel so awesome afterwards!!
  • Today was beautiful outside so a group of my friends went hiking... it was so much fun, we ended up hiking for like 3 hours... wonderful way to get some excersise!!
  • I just started this week too and I totally can relate to you. Today has been much better. When I was trying to figure out foods to keep me full, I realized that I wasnt getting enough protein in my diet. So today I have made sure that I have upped my protein (I had meat at breakfast and peanut butter for lunch) and so far…
  • I’m 21, 5’2” and 162 pounds… eeekkkk! I am finally feeling comfortable with the person that I am (personality wise) and I want to love my body now. I have always had trouble with my weight, even in high school my lowest was 132 which is not small for how short I am. Coming to college I put on the freshman fifteen, and then…