

  • Hi! I'm not sure how old you are, but I have found that this (diet, exercise, staying in shape) is much harder the older you get. I'm 49 and it's a struggle. At this point though, I'm not as worried about my weight as a number, as how I feel and how I look. I've dieted for YEARS. I have clothes in about 6 sizes. When I…
  • That's when I do it too. First thing in the morning, right before I hop in the shower.
  • I like to listen to 80's music when I work out. And I've noticed that I work out harder when I listen to music while I'm on a treadmill, elliptical machine or bike rather than listening to a tv show. Has anyone else noticed that? If I don't have a hard beat pounding in my brain when I'm working out, I just don't try as…