

  • Spot on!! I am 6' exactly, have 22% Body Fat(Which is too much I know) but my BMI is up in the mid 30's and I'm considered Clinically Obese by doctors who haven't met me. A great majority of the rugby players down my club are also considered obese by BMI standards, some of these guys are so low in Body Fat it's ridiculous.…
  • Your point on the hearing is totally valid, however I choose to do it. Your quoted point above is however I believe nothing more than at best Urban Myth and at worst scaremongering of the "Won't somebody think of the children" kind. I invite you to research the subject. This site here has some…
  • There is no excuse for this, basic road safety and common sense dictate you should not be on the road if you do not know how to handle your machine. There is no real conclusion as to whether or not a helmet makes you safer, I prefer not to wear one and will continue to not wear one. There's even evidence that helmets make…
  • You need to think carefully and decide if commuting is all you're going to be doing on a bicycle, if it is then a commuter or hybrid type bike will certainly seem to fit the bill for you. My advice would be get yourself off to your local bike shop and ask about a fitting, it is also worth thinking about what you may have…