gilmoremj3 Member


  • I'm in! I love my arms feeling that "good" sore :bigsmile:
  • I was in the same dilemma a few weeks ago! I ended up going with CLX (bc I too wanted mostly strength training/toning) and it is awesome so far! I'm technically only on my 4th day, but I can actually FEEL IT already. I've never tried TF. I go to the gym and walk or get on the elliptical for extra cardio in the mornings and…
  • It's a beach body workout like p90X or Turbo Jam. It's more for toning and building muscle, but as Chalene says "muscle burns fat". I watched the intial DVD last night and I'm reading over the book today and I plan on starting the workout today. It's a money back guarantee, hopefully it works! I've heard good things about…
  • Wow thanks for the input & motivation everyone!! ChaLean Extreme sounds like the way to go! :happy: I'm going to place my order today! Wish me luck! :bigsmile: