JenestaM Member


  • I was doing great for a few days, to the point that I didn't think about dessert. But then I went out for dinner unexpectedly with my husband, and I completely forgot that I was giving up dessert! I don't know how I forgot -- I think it's because when I go to restaurants getting a dessert is routine for me, while when I'm…
  • This past week has been full of hormonal issues, which has given me an extreme sweet tooth. I realized that what I gave up for the month of January wasn't that hard to give up, and that I should have given up dessert instead! So starting tomorrow I'm going to switch things -- eat the thing I was going to give up for…
  • Can you give the rest of your soda away on January 1st?
  • It's funny that I found this group when I did. I was just thinking how on the days where I manage to stay below my calorie goals, I might have 50-300 calories left. And I take up the rest of the calories up by eating Better n' Peanut Butter. It's not fattening, but I bet I might start making some progress after the…