By the sounds of your post, she is not successful at all; she is unhealthy. If she eats less than 1400 calories a day and never takes in any carbs (your brains biggest source to continue opporating properly) and makes you feel guilty for having a cookie or a cheat shouldn't be on here asking about how you can…
Great work, you look awesome! Solid definition too! Well done; keep it up!
Although I work out 5-6 days a week, and monitor my diet, I am still someone who sits at a desk from 8:30am to 5:00pm (at the earliest) Monday to Friday. However, I have done a few things to battle this as well! The first thing I did was share the article I read (I beieve the article was in Runner's World where I read it…
Great attitutde, and way to keep going! You may not know this yet, but beyond even inspiring yourself, you're inspiring those around you with your motivation and focus! I look forward to follow you through your journey and can't wait to see the continued success you are already experiencing!
I love the p90x series; I am looking forward to trying Insanity too though!
Great post! Keep up the great work!