Favorite exercise DVDs?

I love exercise DVDs and am always interested in hearing about good ones. Currently, I really like Amy Dixon's Breathless Body series. It's pretty intense but the moves aren't complicated.... as much as I love the idea of dance workouts, I end up tripping over my own feet. Jillian Michaels workouts are good too: work hard, don't embarrass myself with my lack of coordination. My classic go-to is Tamilee's I Want That Body. It helps that my husband will do that one too so I always have an exercise partner. Any DVDs you'd recommend?


  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    I really enjoy beach body's slim in 6....it uses aerobics for cardio and then moves into pilates, yoga and uses resistance band for toning and strength.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Focus T25! Though with Insanity, you'll get better results, well based on my experience at least. I started out with Insanity then I moved to T25.T25 is just never boring for me. If I feel lazy, the modified moves are VERY helpful. Insanity can get a bit boring though but it delivers. T25 only toned my body and I only had a small weightloss, considering that my BMI was 21 already at that time, I am only shedding vanity pounds. Maybe because of my diet snce I didnt change it but idk. if you have a lot of weight to lose and you haven't been on Insanity yet, I highly recommend Focus T25 because most likely it will give you amazing results
  • LadyWeaselofVT
    LadyWeaselofVT Posts: 77 Member
    Focus T25! Though with Insanity, you'll get better results, well based on my experience at least. I started out with Insanity then I moved to T25.T25 is just never boring for me. If I feel lazy, the modified moves are VERY helpful. Insanity can get a bit boring though but it delivers. T25 only toned my body and I only had a small weightloss, considering that my BMI was 21 already at that time, I am only shedding vanity pounds. Maybe because of my diet snce I didnt change it but idk. if you have a lot of weight to lose and you haven't been on Insanity yet, I highly recommend Focus T25 because most likely it will give you amazing results

    I hadn't heard of Focus T25 but I'll look into it. I don't have too much more weight to lose but I'm always looking to get stronger.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I have 4 of jillian michaels dvds - 6 week abs. boost metabolism, shred and another one i cant remember the name of. all good but not exactly exciting. I also have bob harpers cardio shred with kettlebells. thats good but so hard! and again not very fun.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    I love Leslie Sansone. I also like Jessica Smith (you can watch all her videos for free online). Fitness Blender is good too but more advanced than I'm ready for (also free online). I've done a Biggest Loser DVD and about died.. but it was a good workout.
  • I love the p90x series; I am looking forward to trying Insanity too though!
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    Little tip - if you buy any Beach Body dvds.. look on ebay. Much cheaper.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Jari Love's ripped series , slim&lean

    all Jillian Micheals Dvds basically as well