glendeb Member


  • I can definately see the difference in photos. I actually have a neck now LOL! I think when I look at myself naked I still see the rolls/lumps/bumps - despite the fact I've lost 12-16cms. I like your post Keri about setting the minds eye first :smile:
  • Everything in moderation is key for me. I still have 2 biscuits a day, and occasionally cake too! If I don't have something sweet I tend to binge. I'm not sure if I would binge as badly now that I know how many calories each thing is though! I want to maintain this way of living for the rest of my life and this way is…
  • I understand the sentiment, but not allowing their children to have a piece of birthday cake at another childs birthday party does seem extreme. Alot of my foods would be taboo for them too, but I'm still happy with the choices we make these days compared to what we used to.
  • Another suggestion is smoothies, but just make them with the fruits you like. My favourite is banana and berry, with milk or yoghurt. (about 200 calories per glass) You don't have to use fruits you don't like!
  • What about making an Italian Mince (which can be used for lasagne or spagetti bolognese), and filling it with Veges? I fill mine with onion, garlic, tomato, grated carrot, grated courgette, finely chopped mushrooms and peppers, and sometimes broccoli or celery. Its not hugely traditional but its good for you and FULL of…
  • Your legs are looking hawt! well done :happy: I have the opposite problem, I'm losing off the rest of my body, but my legs haven't quite got the message!
  • Thanks so much for the awesome comments and advice everyone! I went out today (without seeing this) and jogged stairs at my local park with a group of three people standing about 3 metres away. Funnily enough I thought, ah well if they want to look at me sweating and breathing hard then good on them! I know I can do it,…
  • Can you not just have a day off?
  • Oh I hear ya! When we were away on holiday a few weeks back I had a blueberry muffin, total shock afterwards to see it was 340+ calories for a SNACK!
  • Awesome! Isn't it a great feeling to finally say goodbye to those bigger sizes?!
  • I have cut back heaps. I still have a biscuit or similar every day - otherwise I would binge and eat the whole packet. Also what helped me was searching the database for the food I wanted and deciding if that 100-200 calories is actually worth it.
  • I feel the same. I did WW before we got married 9 years ago - I failed horribly and got married in a size NZ 26-28 wedding dress. It was expensive and as you say a real lack of support. I've slowly lost weight over the years due to pregnancy, and this year decided to actually do something for real - I thank my lucky stars…
  • Also to add to the above comments, if you've been working out more, and making new muscle your body will be repairing those muscles, and to do that, they will hold water. Give it a few more days and weigh again.
    in pi**ed off Comment by glendeb July 2011
  • Mine was weighing myself for the first time in years and years. I don't own scales, but one night while at a friends for dinner, she had her scales there an I jumped on just to see. I felt sick at the nuber that flashed up - so I ate and ate at the dinner party. It took another week for the number to sink in, and then I…
  • I don't know whether that makes me feel bad or not! LOL!
  • Thats fantastic! I only run at night - I'm sure people don't want to see me either ! Well done and keep up the awesome work :flowerforyou:
  • That was really helpful - Thanks :smile:
  • I did two two week tests. One fortnight I didn't eat back my exercise calories and only lost 500gms for the whole fortnight. The following fortnight I did eat them back and lost 2.1kg for the fortnight. I think you can only do whats right for yourself. I looked at all the advice on here, then did the test to come to my own…
  • :drinker: Water - for as long as I can remember I've drunk tons of water. I love it - nothing is quite as refreshing as a glass of water
  • When a random mum at my boys school came up and congratulated me about my weight loss and asked for my secret. I had only lost about 8kg at that stage so I felt wonderful! :happy:
  • I always try to make my NET calories just over 1200. Just to be sure. If I don't eat enough of my exercise calories back then I slow my losing.
  • Awesome! That must be a fanastic feeling! Can't wait until I get there :flowerforyou:
  • I'm from New Zealand, so my sizes are different, but: Start Stats: Height: 5' 8" Weight: 295lbs Pant Size: 22/24 Shirt Size: 2xl Frame- Large Current Stats: Height: 5' 8" Weight: 261lbs Pant Size: 20/24 Shirt Size: 1xl Frame - Large I've lost 34lbs, and really wanted to fit into a size 20 pants comfortably, but I'm not far…
  • :flowerforyou: I love enternal optimists! Thats me in a nutshell. I've been inspired to go back in my exercise diary and add up the hours I've put in too. I get my exercise in when I can, but it all adds up :) My poor girl and dog have been dragged from pillar to post in order for me to lose my pounds, but its been oh, so…
  • I weigh 119kgs or 262lbs. I'm in week 2 and loving it - sure I'm a bit sore the next day, but thats just muscular. However I have been walking almost every day for the last 3 months, so I'm defionately fitter than when I started MFP.
    in Couch to 5K Comment by glendeb June 2011
  • Last night we had icecream because I had done a huge walk in the morning and was struggling to eat all of may calories. I think its a great idea to have something a bit "special" or "naughty", we are after all making a lifestyle change, and so therefore have to live.
  • My first one was a Mum at school, stopped me in the carpark and asked me what my secret was. I's only lost about 10kg at that stage. The latest one, which really had me buzzing was my Mother In Law, she was overjoyed and so complimentary! It rocks. I just wish we could bottle that feeling for the tough days!
  • I guess MFP realises that there will be slip ups along the way, so really the next day you shouldn't be "punished", as long as you get back on track you'll be okay. One day of overeating dod not make you fat, neither will one day of overeating make you stay on your plateau forever. You are right tomorrow is another day.
  • I'm doing it too - I'm into week 2. I've found it a real challenge, which I need. I only run at night, with my dog though because I'm still really big and I don't like to run in public, but its working, so I'm happy!