

  • It's time for an update. My doctor found I was deficient in D, and confirmed my previous diagnosis of PCOS, and while my labs didn't reflect severe hypothyroidism, my doctor thankfully (I will be thankful forever) has put me on armour. It is only a therapeutic dose to start but it has reduced my symptoms of muscle pain by…
  • My appointment is tomorrow. I sure hope I will find answers! Of course I pray that nothing serious is wrong, but there has to be an explanation. I have been struggling with this weight issue since I was 10. Not just weight, but other discouraging symptoms. I have always been active, there just has to be more to the story.…
  • I've been doing mfp since April 22. Lost 20 pounds in the first mos and then came to a grinding halt. Took it down 100 more calories and raised my exercise levels. Still nothing. My mom has been on it for the same length of time has lost 30 pounds. I'm half her age. According to her I have a higher activity level. She's on…
  • Indeed! The boys sometimes help with horse chores and now that they're getting older their main jobs are to tidy the living room and load the dishwasher. My husband did help me this week, and I was so thankful. I was able to play with the boys, listen to music, and play hymns on my violin. I can't even begin to tell you…
  • I can't help but think they're diet saboteurs, because every time you're looking and feeling good someone (usually another woman) wants to ruin it with sweets. No thank you and perhaps take the loving cookie to go.
  • I did exercise yesterday! Now I have to get it in today, tomorrow, and the next. Unfortunately it also causes terrible neck and shoulder pain, so I will have my icy hot on hand!
  • If this site had a like button. I would like all posts. Appreciate the suggestions and encouragement. My tsh was 1.82. Is that good?
  • This is sort of what my schedule looks like. Up and breakfast. I will feed boys or they will get breakfast. Then let the mares out for two hours of grazing. School for two hours and then lunch. Put mares away, put a pair of boy horses out for two hours. Finish up school, work on book (housework or just chill), put second…
  • It is a vicious beast. Let me be your cautionary tale. I have suffered with pcos since puberty. I have been a yo yo since puberty. I was able to lose lots of weight in '03 with Pilates, riding bareback, barn chores, landscaping, and portion control. Had issues with water retention, and I still do. Met my husband that same…