

  • I just look around me and feel like most girls my age are thinner than I am, and there's no way on Earth I can measure up.
    in Help Comment by AlmostAislinn March 2015
  • Thank you so much for the advice!!! As for when my body lets me: I have a not-so-good knee, I'm also occasionally too nervous to run--I start and then get so scared that I'll have to stop that I really do have to stop.
  • 5'4'', 124, size 6/8. Having worked in a clothing consignment store, I can tell you--size number means NOTHING. Personally I've got hips I'll never lose. What matters is not pants size--what matters is dressing in what feels good and fits YOU. I can squeeze into a 4. I choose not to.
  • What /is/ maintenance? Does it mean I eat more??