

  • at the end of the day its a special occasion go out enjoy as yoru cheat meal but then get the gym and work it off, if i was you i would be more dissatified with as you put 'a few days of dreadful eating' surely you need more self discapline on you food selection so enjoy tomorow then start a fresh
  • when i weigh in in the morning my scales i set at +2lb makes me work that much harder on my run even though i know ive altered it i have a proper weigh in on a friday where i use the scales as normal i also work out my BF% now currently 91kg and 13% BF big loss from 115.2kg in November 09
  • it will help first of all protein helps build and repair muscle the more muscle you have the more cals you burn off when doing an activity, your calories from protein are burnt off first so i would recomend you go over on these and lower on your carbs and fats
  • no infact if you are to go over on any this would be the best, calories from protein are digested the quickest plus if your like me after loosing weight but not muscle its worth to go over everyday
  • as much as i love NFL the superbowl full of Dominos advertisments gives me the munchies i would make your own pizza wholemeal base tin of tomatoes and mozerella cheese n fill with protein meat and fish
  • as much as i love NFL the superbowl full of Dominos advertisments gives me the munchies i would make your own pizza wholemeal base tin of tomatoes and mozerella cheese and fill it with high protein meat and fish
  • Cross trainer is great for toning but you burn more calories EPOC (or after excercise and recovering ) from a run
  • i am in the same boat mate infact i do alot of weight workouts so purposly go over on my protein you should have 1g of protein per lean 1lb of body mass so work out what it is and take this much because too little and you will be losing bf but muscle aswell