jennlco Member


  • It is not just to build muscle. It helps me with muscle recovery :) Whether you're new to working out or are a seasoned pro, a quality protein powder is a necessity! Simply put, protein is the single most important thing you must consume daily to build new muscle tissue. Muscle…
  • Good luck on your new life changes :) Start slowly and set yourself small goals. Once they are achieved, you know you are getting somewhere.... and that the changes are working! It will take some time.. but remember.. this isn't a crash diet.. this is a whole life improvement.. You can do it... one step at a time! I cut…
  • Aww you need to discover what foods there are out there that are healthy for you and taste amazing :) I know everyone is different - I love my healthy stuff :) There is enough out there to satisfy my cravings if I ever do crave chocolate etc. Good luck! Your ticker says you have lost an amazing amount of weight. CONGRATS!…
  • I exercise between 30mins to 75mins per day (usually allowing some sort of rest day as well)... but it really depends on what I am doing, what intensity I am exercising at and what I have eaten that day...
  • I dont use DVD's but I do use the Nike Training Club application. Where you can choose a work out from 15mins long to 45mins long :) You can mix it up and do more than one or just pick a longer one :)
  • Aww don't loose momentum. You are doing so well, having lost 20lbs already! What kind of exercises are you doing at night? Maybe you need to find something to bring that spark and excitement back for you. Can you join a kickboxing gym? Work out with a mate? Thats a very early time to get up in the morning as well.. unless…
  • Congrats on the weight loss so far! Have you noticed your clothes getting a little bigger for you? You might not see direct results in your body right away but I bet you can feel them :) You are fitter, stronger and healthier - you will SEE more of a difference soon! Good luck and let me know how you are going!!
  • I always eat a filling breakfast like oats or eggs on toast - and always need to snack before lunch time. So I take fruit to work. I never chew gum (have read its very unhealthy for you and wasnt something I ever did anyways)... I eat around 5 times per day as my body needs it. Just always eat healthy and you will feel…
  • Only Cigs kill you and you can die an early slow and painful death .... ! It was a pretty simple way to look at it from my point of view. I didnt want to die early. [/quote] Obviously you have never smoked or enjoyed smoking. Smokers know the risks they know the death they will have... We are well aware and still make the…
  • Only Cigs kill you and you can die an early slow and painful death .... ! It was a pretty simple way to look at it from my point of view. I didnt want to die early.
  • I havent smoked since october 2010... !
  • Looking at the end result should be a massive motivator :) If you dont exercise it probably wont happen! If you exercise you are making yourself fitter, stronger, healthier and happier.. that does it for me! Easily!
  • There are so many exercised that you can do in your own home as well... Download the Nike Training Club for your phone,, Tone it Up, YourTube channels for pilates etc. There are loads of things out there. Seems like you need something new to be passionate about and enthusiastic! Believe me, Body Rock will…
  • Unfortunately as your boobs have fat in them, when you loose weight, that is where it starts to come off. Your upper body looses weight before your lower body ...
  • I have the same problem. Hip bones and a gross stomache that just looks wrong.. :( I am currently trying to find a solution to this and will let you know if I do!
  • There are differences between crunches and sit ups.. There are heaps of video's online showing how to do both: There are different styles as well.. Do some reasearch, mix it up, and away you go!
    in sit ups Comment by jennlco May 2011
  • Try Palmers Cocoa Butter and if you are in the UK, Boots pharmacy do a serum that works on scars and marks etc :) I am sure they will disappear.. you just need to show em some attention for a while!! Good Luck