gburkhart2 Member


  • We probably shouldn't ride the bus either... :wink:
  • I'm no nutritionist and I'm certainly no expert, but from everything I've read, I can't imagine a situation where an adult male would be recommended to eat that few of calories. Whew. The biggest things really were my numbers 3 & 4 from my original post - have patience and don't get frustrated. You've only been at it for a…
  • I'm 6' 1", told them I lead a "sedentary" lifestyle (desk job) and exercising 5 days at 45 minutes, they gave me 1840. If I change it to "lightly active," they give me over 2000. You chose "guided" in the Goals section and they gave you that little? We're fairly similar in weight & height - I'm older. I'm trying to figure…
  • Therein lies your problem, Sir. You should be consuming at least 2000 calories a day at your height and age, especially on days where you are exercising. Your body is shutting down. I know it sounds crazy, but up your calorie intake and you will start losing again. You won't lose .5 pounds a day, but 1 to 2 lbs a week…
  • What is your daily goal? How tall are you?
  • There are lots of things you can do. 1. Do strength training as well. Muscle aides in metabolism. 2. Eat more. We can't see your diary, but I'd be willing to bet you're shooting too low on net calories. 3. Have patience. .5 pounds a day is completely unsustainable after a certain point. 4. Don't get frustrated. Keep your…
  • I took a quick look at your diary. At first glance, you may want to track your sodium as well. There is probably more beer in your diary than should be there if you're really focused on losing weight. It is "low calorie" beer, but alcohol does wacky stuff to your body. Most studies show that your body will process the…
  • This seriously has to be one of the most well thought out, concise - yet all encompassing and real things I've ever read on here. I love it!
  • It's pretty bad, but I think having my belt buckle cut into my stomach while I'm sitting down is more annoying. ;-) I personally find the P90X workouts varied enough that I haven't gotten bored yet, but I am only at the end of week 3 so maybe I should give it more time to bore me.
  • Every single one of us on here can think of a thousand reasons to not count our calories or to not exercise. You only need to think of one to stay motivated. Mine are my kids. We all fail and that's okay. I didn't work out today. Am I pissed about that? Sure. You think I'm going to work out tomorrow? Nope. I have "other…
  •;jsessionid=381607F73F7EFC7CE3AB44311A719DD2.instance02 They make several different flavors. These have 12g of fiber per wrap. Some others have up to 15g I believe.
  • First, I would say that losing .5kg isn't "fast" by any means, but I would say that it's healthy. Second, it's difficult for any of us on here to assess what could be problematic without being able to see your food diary. Third, I've never heard of Optifast before. I looked it up. The only thing it has, from what I can…
  • Sugar is a simple carb, and when your body has excess carbs, it stores them as fat.
  • The Beach Body link doesn't work for me. I'm almost done with week three of P90X and from what I can tell, the Costco deal is a good deal. If the Beach Body one is $269.99, I'm sure they are overcharging for any "goodies" like the pull-up bar, bands, etc. I don't know if the "Recovery Drink" is included in the $269 deal or…
  • I completely agree. Learning this is what keeps me on focused on the end goal, not just on the present. Congratulations to you for all your hard work and commitment. You deserve to be excited, happy & proud!
  • According to your diary, you aren't drinking water. Are you just not logging it? You NEED to be drinking tons of water. Tons.
  • I personally think NOT having a quantified end goal is super healthy. Our bodies change as we age. I was the same height when I graduated high school as I am today. I weighed 160lbs then. I can't possibly imagine a situation where I could ever reach that again. I put on here that my goal was 180 because it sounded…
  • It has nothing to do with you being a woman. It's not a matter of gender, but perception of the situation. I'm not concerned for your well being because you're "a fragile little girl that can't take care of herself." I'm concerned because you're a human being. As I said, at one point in my life I was a competitive athlete…
  • Wow. Excellent work! Stay focused. You'll get to your end goal!
  • "Personal goal." What does that mean? Weight? If your "personal goal" is not to compete in some sort of athletic event, based on my own experiences as in weight loss and as a competitive athlete, I see no advantage to doing two-a-days. Even that is debatable depending on what type of event you may be training for.…
  • Are you training for something?
  • Well, I married into an Italian family that loves to eat. Things I've had to cut out that are fairly routine around them are: Breads, Cheeses, Cured Meats & Wine Those are all tough for me to say no to. I find the best way is to just not be around them. It's helped a ton not just from a caloric standpoint, but also from a…
  • Don't be bored. Easy, right? ;-) Find yourself a hobby: puzzles, take up playing guitar, gardening, bonzai. Anything that fills the free time that allows you to be bored. And don't just do it to do it. Find something that you're passionate about so you WANT to do the other things rather than eat. Most of all, want the…
  • Enjoy your potluck. Your body needs the metabolic confusion. You'll burn it as long as you get right back to it. Log it to the best of your ability so you see what eating like that all the time really means. Leading a healthy lifestyle isn't about total and complete depravation. Keep your head up, be proud of the amazing…
  • Eat foods that are higher in calories, but not junk like nuts & avocados and use olive oil in your cooking or salad dressing. This will help you get to your caloric goal without eating a lot of food.
  • I've seen estimates on various sites from 600 to 700 calories per hour. I err on the side of caution and go with the 600 calories.
    in p90x Comment by gburkhart2 March 2011