kriddle2 Member


  • Honestly it's up to you. Depending on how you are feeling when you get to the 11 mile mark. After a certain point it's all mental. When I did my first half a few years ago I never ran about 11 miles before the big day. If you're feeling good go for it!
  • I split time between Redford and Dexter.
  • I've never been in favor of diet pills, but I recently had a friend who started xenadrine ultra (the new version after they took the ephedra out) and she had amazing results. I'm not saying that it's a quick fix. I've been working out for the last 4 months and have lost 10 pounds which is awesome, I've just started them to…
  • I try to ask best as possible stick to only the 1200 cals but if i'm out and see something mostly unhealthy that I want to eat...i usually do. I just remind myself that I have to work off the extra calories before I go to sleep. if some days I dont quite make the calorie count for the day I just try to add on a few extra…
  • I'm so glad that I sent hunting on this site today. My current BMI is 23.6, so I'm within the normal limits. I'm barely 5'2'' and have a small frame, with a current weight of 129 pounds. Since I'm soooooo short it's easy to see where all my weight sits.. my thighs and tummy which even though I've lost almost 10 pounds it's…
  • I've only been at that weight once...which is 140. I realize that it wasn't ridiculous but I'm barely 5 feet tall. I was a swimmer for all my life and after I had surgery I wasn't able to do activity for a long while and gained about 30 wasn't good.
  • motivation doesn't seem to be my problem, it seems to be patience...I use to be in really great shape, I'm just getting annoyed by the slow progress...yes it takes time but it would be great if there was a reset button???
  • I'm in, I tried to start it a while ago but lost motivation! Glad to do it in a group!
  • I have the Orbitrek elliptical, I've had it for about a year! I love it. It's doesn't take up too much space, and it's easy enough to move around my apartment.
  • I've had an orbitrek elliptical machine for the last year. I use it everyday! I love it, just set it up in front of the television and put in a movie and go to town!