

  • Just log anything you don't do WITH THE FITBIT ON. It will now track activities like running, so it would be doubling work outs if you log it twice.
  • My lowest weight was 144 about 2 months or a little less ago
  • It sounds stupid but what I did to get my butt in gear when I hit 245 was when I snacked, I had to sit on the floor and stare at myself in the mirror while I ate my Doritos. It did not even take me a week to absolutely hate them... It sounds crazy but it was effective, it made me hate the idea of junk food. Now 200 days…
  • Its high in protein which helps you stay full and focused, but it also depends on your diet for how much you should eat. Are you trying to loose weight or gain muscle? Are you a snacker or a big lunch or dinner person? What times do you get to eat again through the day? All important things to look at!
  • Maybe take a quick walk around your neighborhood as a study break or to help you digest after dinner, 30-45 minutes and you will burn about 250-300 calories and help you get some fresh air.
  • Just show some of that self restraint, you could have made a more health consciousness lunch and got a salad instead of pizza. Then got up early Sunday to fit that work out in, its all about dedication and self restraint. Weekends yes should be a time to let loose a little, but it doesn't have to be with food and copious…