TMLfan1982 Member


  • I use the Nike running app. I receive verbal notifications at each km with distance, time and avg. time/km.
  • I started C25K in February and now I run 5k 2-3 times/week. My time is typically around 34 minutes. But my first 5k was round 40 minutes. The biggest hurdle to W5D3 is all mental. Slow your pace down and take a route without hills. And maybe give yourself an extra day of rest before attempting W5D3.
  • Brush filets with some melted butter and lemon juice. Pat on a mixture of panko, old bay, salt and pepper (or whatever you like). Bake for 15 minutes at 350 or pan fry in oil for about 3-4 minutes on each side.
  • I noticed it with the clothing I was wearing. I was wearing a size 42 pant and xxl shirts. Now its more like 36/38 pants and l/xl shirts. Nothing in my closets fits properly and my face seems to be a lot skinnier or so I've been told. I was 245 and am now at 195ish.
  • Yes....PIZZA!!!!
  • I wonder what these things are "cleansing". I personally think cleanse is fad word used for marketing. But that's just me.
  • This is one of those times where being a quitter is good thing. Congratulations to everyone who has quit smoking and good luck to those thinking about it or planning it. My only advice as a former smoker who quit about one year ago after multiple attempts is: 1) Have a plan 2) Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out…
  • Thanks everyone. These all sound great. I've heard of people trying it but just wanted to see what people had to say about their own experience/recipes.
  • In for childhood vaccines. Taking my kid in for shots next week (MMR, Dtap and Roto).