for the heavier men

BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
When did you start to notice a physical difference in your weight loss? I took a after pic (after about 30lbs of weight lost) and found it to be discouraging. My before pic was around 340+ (my weight went past the scale) and a pic this morning (weight 305.6) While I know I lost weight (scale wise) I just do not see it physically. I realize there is no standard in when a physical change is noticed, I just wanted to hear when everyone else had change.


^^^^340+ lbs



  • Eastern_Echo23
    Eastern_Echo23 Posts: 198 Member
    For me, i almost saw no difference from 300 pounds to 270, but when i got to the 250 area i noticed in my wedding pictures that I had lost a significant amount of weight. My family is rather large, my brother was also around 300 pounds, and i looked way smaller than him. Right now i'm trying to lose the weight I put on over the honeymoon and christmas.. i basically put myself from 248 pounds back to 260s. Once again, in pictures I can see the weight increase (mostly in my face and stomach). I guess it works both ways.

    But ya know, i love my body the way it is. I don't care how I look at this weight or that weight. of course i prefer looking more lean and trim and that is my goal. But I don't care so much how I look from point A to point B. The way I measure success is by pants size. I started at a 42 waist and now im down to a 38. I went from an XXL to a XL or even L in some stores.

    Another way i keep track is by using a blood pressure monitor. I track morning, mid-day (if i am home) and at night. My goal is getting to where i don't need blood pressure meds anymore and every pound I lose brings the numbers down. My doctor and I started the lose 10 KG challenge. He thinks if I can lose 10 KG i won't need to take blood pressure meds anymore. Only 8 KG more to go to reach that goal!

    cheers mate,

    keep up with the good work!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I actually can't remember my starting weight was 333. I think the first differences was in trousers as they became looser. The visible differences came in splurges suddenly I would notice something. Also weight never comes off where you expect it. I suddenly noticed I had lost a lot off my legs and I never considered myself having fat legs. Also sometimes no matter even when others see a change you may not. I know there was a point that I had problems seeing myself as a less fat person then one day I noticed my reflection in a glass door and realised what a huge difference there was.

    Congratulations on your weightloss that's fantastic work
  • sstolii123
    sstolii123 Posts: 205 Member
    I might not fit the heavier category but I think I am still relevant. I keep thinking I do not see any difference in my body even though my pants are way to big for me now. We see ourselves in the mirror every day so its hard to notice the change. I would have to say once I lost about 20 pounds people really started to take notice, A few people really noticed and really made a point to say how much I have changed.

    Keep on doing what your doing brother, it will all pay off in the end! 34 pounds is a great loss for you! thats 10% of your body weight!
  • eplerd
    eplerd Posts: 91 Member
    The tape measure will tell you more!
    After a month of working out at L.A. Fitness my trainer measured me again and I had lost 10" overall yet I didn't SEE the loss.
    I DID however feel a difference in how my clothes fit!!

    I think it's easier for others to see it too - I lost over 2" in chest and didn't even realize it!

    Keep working at it and you'll eventually notice it more and more!!

  • TMLfan1982
    TMLfan1982 Posts: 10 Member
    I noticed it with the clothing I was wearing. I was wearing a size 42 pant and xxl shirts. Now its more like 36/38 pants and l/xl shirts. Nothing in my closets fits properly and my face seems to be a lot skinnier or so I've been told.

    I was 245 and am now at 195ish.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    i didnt take a progress pic until i was halfway to my original goal weight for this reason. measurements will give you a better indication on progress
  • negator5543
    negator5543 Posts: 36
    I see a huge difference dude, look at your torso in that before pic vs how different it looks in the after pic.

    There are always changes you just have to look for them. I think the problem is we expect to see the change we want most and when we don't we stop noticing all the changes that are staring us in the face.
  • kdrats64
    kdrats64 Posts: 14 Member
    I started at 330. Really did not see as much of a difference until I added weight training. For me I feel so much better after a work out when I have done weights than just cardio. I starting noticing it in my shoulders and arms. Others have started to comment after about 280 or so. I still have a long way to go but the way but I will get there. So can you!
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    also take shirtless progress pics if thats how you want to measure how well your doing. its really hard to tell with a shirt on
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Even though i was punching new holes in my old belt i would still see my old self in the mirror. Beloved wife notices physical changes within 20-30lbs even though she was the only one ware of my WOE. It was around 60lbs when i really mentally saw the changes and about 90lbs when i started getting compliments from the office and gatherings.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    A little after I lost my first 100 lbs.
  • BuckTheBMI
    BuckTheBMI Posts: 106 Member
    30 pounds on a 300+ pound guy is about the same as a 150 pound person losing 15 or so. You should be able to tell it in other ways but it might not be as drastic in the pictures. Plus you are fully clothed which makes it hard since your shirt hanging off your shoulders kind of frames your upper body and your shorts hide your lower body.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I've found that I don't notice a difference until ~10% of my bodyweight is gone. I started as a lady at 265 lbs (and I'm still a lady :laugh: ), and I noticed right around the 25 lb down mark.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    Is it the same shirt? Then your tummy looks slightly but surely smaller,and also take into consideration your ease of movement,energy level etc.
    Don't get disheartened and keep up the good work.
    Congrats on your loss and wishing Bruce Willis hotness in your not so distant future.:flowerforyou:

    Your kids are really adorable,as in first picture.
  • Gholmar
    Gholmar Posts: 37
    I definitely see a difference in those two pics. Keep up the good work man!
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Not sure in pounds but my hubby seemed to have a massive shape change every 2-3 stone (14lbs in a stone for non uk-ers).

    He started at 25 stone and looked very different by 22 stone. Seemed to take ages to change but then he got to around 19 stone by our wedding and he looked very different again. He's now around 16 stone and looks very different to at 19 stones.

    Awesome results OP, I can see a massive difference. Well done.
  • SmoothRiko
    SmoothRiko Posts: 193
    I started on this site at 320. I was 286 at my lowest. I kinda slouched a bit so I'm back to 295. Even with all of that, everyone else noticed a physical change, when I lost all the weight, but for me, I just FELT the change. My body was still the same to me. I probably won't see the change until I get into the 260s.

    I'm trying to get down to 197.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    My husband is in the same boat as you. He started around 330 and is now just over 300 and he doesn't see a difference at all. I then show him the inches he's loosing and where he'd be at this steady pace and he's happy. You've been looking at yourself in the mirror so long that you won't notice differences in yourself that every one else notices, until it's drastic. It's a mental thing. I'm guessing your about a 3XL button up shirt. Here's what I did for my husband. Go out and buy yourself a 2XL or even a big and tall 1XL. This way you'll have something to shoot for. I bought him the big and tall 1XL. It's about the same size as a regular 2XL and it makes him feel good when he tried it on to know that he's almost a 1XL. Confidence booster at it best.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Difference is clear to me - particularly in mid section.

    Sometimes we can gain 20lbs and not really notice it so we shouldn't be surprised when we lose 30lbs and not see the loss in ourselves. Keep going - one day your trousers will fall down and, when you buy smaller clothes you will also see the difference. You're going a great job - keep up the good work.
  • Tim_CNY
    Tim_CNY Posts: 25 Member
    I would take the clothes off for the pics, and take different angles than just straight on. Sometimes the loss was more noticeable in the butt or back than it was in the stomach. I would say after 30 lbs I was definitely able to tell a difference in pictures, though I took them without a shirt/pants on.
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