

  • Well, I think I figured out the problem. My baby is 4 months old and I just got my first period since he was born, so I think it was from ovulation, which I have read can cause a dip in milk supply. But, the good news is it seems to be back up to normal now! Thanks for all the help and advice girls!
  • This post has me cracking up! I understand what you are talking about.....but I don't have an answer. I guess the more calories you eat, the more calories you need to burn! I have also read a few posts that say they get stuck right before and during, but after they notice a significant drop in weight loss. I don't have any…
  • I don't know how you're doing 1500! I bet if I stuck with 1800 and never ate back my calories, I could probably lose 2 lbs/week. But some days I do really well, and others I just get so hungry, I can't do 1800! Good for you on the oversupply though! How old is your baby if you don't mind me asking? Luckily, I had an…
  • Oh, and I'm not sure on the Fenugreek. I have taken it before, with my first child. But I am also on Procardia XL and I heard conflicting stories on whether Fenugreek would interact with Procardia. When I had my son, I was readmitted to the hospital 2 days later with postpartum pre-eclampsia. After that, I was on several…
  • Yes, I am beginning to think it may be normal to have a lower supply in the evening :(. Last night, I pumped before I went to bed, around 10. and then I woke up at 1:30 and pumped again. Those 2 pumping sessions got me about 5 ounces combined, which definitely helps. And I did notice a small increase at work today, but…
  • Hi, I am currently breastfeeding a 4 month old and I have my calories set to lose 1 lb/wk and it gives me 1800 calories. I have heard you burn about 400-500 per day if you are exclusively breastfeeding, so technically I should eat about 2300 if I want to lose 1 lb/wk. However, I don't always eat back my breastfeeding…
  • Thanks ladies! I appreciate the encouragement and advice! I will continue to drink lots of water and I may add a small snack or two into my day somewhere! Amy, that's a great idea about the manual pump, I'll definitely be giving that a try. I bought one when he was first born when I didn't have an electric yet and used it…
  • One more you pump too? If so, what kind of pump do you have?
  • We are pretty much in the same boat :) I was also scared about a diet affecting my milk supply. I do want to lose weight for sure, but I also want to make sure I produce enough for my baby. I read somewhere online that nursing mothers should eat at least 1800 calories, which is why I set my account up for 1 lb/wk. If I…
  • Thanks everyone! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one this has happened too. I will continue to try to drink more water and pump/nurse more often. It is just odd to me that its always low in the evenings, but is pretty good in the morning. And, I don't always eat back my calories burned through breastfeeding.…