Losing while Breastfeeding CW - 165'ish and 5'7" GW-140

Can anyone tell me what my calorie intake should be if I want to lose 1-2 lbs a week while breastfeeding? My current weight is 165'ish and my goal weight is 140.

I have my calorie goal at 1500 calories currently. Thanks


  • BiscuitH11
    Hi, I am currently breastfeeding a 4 month old and I have my calories set to lose 1 lb/wk and it gives me 1800 calories. I have heard you burn about 400-500 per day if you are exclusively breastfeeding, so technically I should eat about 2300 if I want to lose 1 lb/wk. However, I don't always eat back my breastfeeding calories or I may not eat back all of them. I have been counting for 2 months now and have lost right at 6.5 lbs per month.

    But I will tell you, I am having some supply issues, not major ones, but enough to have me a little worried. But, I don't know if it is from watching my calories or pumping at work!
  • TeaTree12
    TeaTree12 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been doing 1500 calories for about a week and it feels like too little. I have an over supply of milk right now (have for the last 3 months), but maintaining my supply is important to me.

    That is great that you have lost about 6 pounds per month!

    Maybe I should increase to 1800 calories. Hmmm...
  • BiscuitH11
    I don't know how you're doing 1500! I bet if I stuck with 1800 and never ate back my calories, I could probably lose 2 lbs/week. But some days I do really well, and others I just get so hungry, I can't do 1800!

    Good for you on the oversupply though! How old is your baby if you don't mind me asking? Luckily, I had an oversupply at one time and have a pretty good stash in my freezer :)
  • TeaTree12
    TeaTree12 Posts: 5 Member
    She is 3 months. I had an over supply with my son too. I think its a genetic thing.

    Its REALLY hard to stay at 1500 calories because I feel like I'm starving sometimes and don't think this is healthy. So I am not going to worry myself for taking in more calories (1800 plus). However I still want to lose 1-2 pounds per week if possible - so I think it is going to be something I will have to personally adjust.

    I am trying to find success stories online about losing weight while breastfeeding and that is difficult to do.:smile:
  • CassieReed5
    CassieReed5 Posts: 3 Member
    I Have A 3 Month Old As Well..i Have Been Eating 2000 (1500+500 From Nursing) So Far I Think My Supply Has Been Fine. But I Have Been Eating All Those Calories And Some Exercise Calories If I Am Hungry.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Eating extra calories while nursing is a good thing, especially when you have a young baby. You can find the breastfeeding calories in the food diary. You may have to tweak your calories to find the sweet spot where you lose weight and keep up supply, but everyone ends up doing that at some point, whether they are breastfeeding or not. Mine is 20 months old and still nursing, and I'm steadily losing weight.
  • slrprncss88
    She is 3 months. I had an over supply with my son too. I think its a genetic thing.

    Its REALLY hard to stay at 1500 calories because I feel like I'm starving sometimes and don't think this is healthy. So I am not going to worry myself for taking in more calories (1800 plus). However I still want to lose 1-2 pounds per week if possible - so I think it is going to be something I will have to personally adjust.

    I am trying to find success stories online about losing weight while breastfeeding and that is difficult to do.:smile:

    You might try exercising so you can eat back those calories as well as your BM calories. I havn't read the whole thread but I guess I figure If I am starving I just try to do something physical and then stuff my face :)
  • slrprncss88
    Can anyone tell me what my calorie intake should be if I want to lose 1-2 lbs a week while breastfeeding? My current weight is 165'ish and my goal weight is 140.

    I have my calorie goal at 1500 calories currently. Thanks

    Everywhere I have read says to eat 1500-1800 calories. A 3500 calorie deficit is one pound lost. So a 1700 deficit per day is 3 pounds per week lost. You just have to tweak it to fit for you. But I believe from research, in order to do a 2 pound per week loss and maintain supply, you might just have to eat well enough and then exercise it off so that you can eat but still lose. this is what 2 weeks of research has me thinking. I am currently eating 1500 a day. I eat back exercise calories usually. I don't feel hungry. 1500 calories can be a lot for me. Not all the time though. I am exclusively BF and have lost 9 pounds in 10 days. IDK how or why. I didn't mean to do it so fast. But I guarentee it'll slow. I gain easy I lose easy. Good and bad. Sorry, I am longwinded.
  • Nenny1985
    Nenny1985 Posts: 122
    hi. I'd say definitely eat more. and you can add breast feeding to your food diary and it will take into account the calories depending on how often you feed. I did that and was eating around 2000 calories most days and steadily lost weight; also the weight I lost was those last five tricky to lose kilos
  • TeaTree12
    TeaTree12 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for your input!:smile: