

  • I actually do suffer from chronic insomnia as well, but working out in the evenings has helped A LOT. I also take tryptophan right after my workout (before I even shower) and within an hour or two I'm fighting to keep my eyes open. Last thing I did (since I live in a large city) is I ordered a sleep mask to ensure that my…
  • Interesting discussion. I recently switched to Stevita flavored drink enhancers because I despise drinking water all day. I also use Truvia when I'm making tea or coffee. I'm not sure about what aspartame will do to my body over time, but I know that it does give me pretty bad migraines.
  • Breakfast - Usually either oatmeal and a piece of fruit or skim milk and cereal. Lunch - Tuna sandwich on wheat bread, Soup and salad, or a grilled chicken salad with balsamic vinaigrette. Dinner - Meat or fish, with veggies and brown rice or sweet potato. Snacks - Kashi bars, peanuts, fruit, or raw veggies. Drinks - I use…
  • Wow, congrats on your 28 lb weight loss!!
    in zumba? Comment by shamekao March 2011
  • Ha, I JUST googled. This. I made my own entry and estimated about 500 calories burned per hour.
    in zumba? Comment by shamekao March 2011