pinheadplanet Member


  • OK I've probably not made myself clear enough. I've seen my doctor, he's made his diagnosis, he's given me some medicine. I'm happy with that. I am not looking for anyone to tell me "what I might have". I'm not some idiot that would take medical advice from forumites on the web over that of my own physician. What I am…
  • He had a listen with his stethoscope and he's given me some medicine.
  • Seen my Dr, but he doesn't lift. I'm looking the experiences of people in my situation.
  • I have to put this out there I JUST LOVE sardines, there's no doubt about that. And I'm not eating meat so all my protein comes from fish, seafood, nuts, bread, etc. Just wondering what the actual benefits of Whey protein were. I had bought my first load and was taking it but it does create a lot of gas in my stomach…
  • That makes sense, less reps but harder workouts. I might try T Press ups instead of normal ones, as these incorporate a side plank and a press up together and then hold it for a few seconds on each rep. Suppose I could load up a rucksack with all me tools and do press ups with that on too
  • Nice one, thanks. As I say I've not got gym access but I am waiting to get myself set up at home though with a bench and some weights and I'll be on to it. I don't mind spending the time on it but some things just get a bit too boring :( I was doing that weider A6W and I was doing 650 crunches a day, which took about 65…
  • 100lbs! That's like 45kgs! I thought iwas doing ok being able to do 10 unweighted lol. OK I'm a beginner but looks like I've a long way to go. I can do dips, think I'll try and make a dip bar outta some wood, it's just a basic frame. I not a gym member, my work takes me away so any money spent on membership would be…
  • There's 4 other Runtastic apps, all free to get you started andthen you pay a little if you want to continue. Push ups, pull ups, squats and sit ups. Get all 4 and see which suit you. Unfortunately I can't do pull ups because of an elbow injury but I did buy a door gym and can still use it for adapted hanging leg raises…
  • The Runstastic Push Ups is a progressive routine, adding a couple of reps every session. But the abs... since i completed the 6 weeks I'm a bit lost, do some of ABS II but it's just a few minutes as opposed to an hour so not very fulfilling.
  • That might be true for the person that told you but that doesn't mean they won't work for you. The only way you'll know is by doing them. I use an app called Caynax A6W. It's been working for me. I've really enjoyed it though it is quite challenging, but then that's the whole idea, if it's easy it ain't gonna work. Mine's…
  • I'm 180cm, think thats about 5'10". Apparently I'm the 'right' weight for my height according to bmi. Even says I can go down to 60kg at the lowest limit!
  • You're not supposed to eat them blondie ;-)
  • I know a lot of people on here don't worry about sugar, that's fine if that works for them/you but I want to stay within my limits. Anyone else have any low sugar ideas for sweet treats?
  • I'm having the same problem JZ, just started tracking my diet and noticing my sugars are way over my goal. I had started to eat fruit in the morning and drinking more fruit juice thinking that that was 'the healthy way' but it seems to be the fruit that's doing it, so now i'm gonna cut down on the fruit and go back to…
  • Like what Lizzy622?
  • Was thinking I hadn't seen any asterisks, have been using a tablet.
  • Wow, I didn't know it is a user generated database. I try to scan as much as I can. Interesting about the 'no asterisk' I'll look out for that. So I probably was right, there is iron in spinach and calcium in yoghurt. I'll try to take everything on here with a pinch of salt from now on. Boom boom!