k8dagr8 Member


  • I was a personal trainer for 4 years before getting my bachelors in health and PE. Not everyone is the gym is fitness minded so you have to be ready for frustration and disappointment but for every person that you do get to assist with improving their life it makes it worth it---but sometimes they are few and far between.…
  • great work! congrats! you are right. we try and try and then one day it will just click....and hopefully not before its too late. my comp won't load your pics but I see your profile pic! keep up the good work.
  • it comes easy when its right. if you aren't looking for a commitment than don't waste your time and energy on a casual relationship. it will always end in rejection for one party or the other.
  • My Usual is : -Greek Yogurt (whatever is on sale!) -carrot sticks -string cheese -season fruit (apple, grapes, strawberries, w/e) my lunch is usually left overs from dinner and my dinner go-to's are: -turkey tacos (usually over shredded lettuce) -turkey chilli (mmmm...love the crock pot!) -grilled chicken breast (boring…
  • I am with you there! That was how I was the better part of this year! In 2013 I lost 15 of the 20 I had gained with my son...then fell off! I knew I was gaining again, I hated looking at myself in the mirror or being intimate with my hubs. I spent $500 to do a 6 week summer slim down personal training program and worked my…
  • I am 5'8 and re-started my mfp journey last month after tipping the scale at 202lbs! I am down to 190 now. Last year I was at 168lb when I lost traction. right now I am 100% diet and no exercise (its freezing her in NJ right now). I normally try to walk my 30 min lunch break but can't even do that right now. I do have a…
  • I am on week two! Two years ago I started the process after having baby #3 and I lost 15lbs...gained it all back plus 15! The breaking point was weighing myself and the number was exactly the same as the day I gave birth to my 9lb son (baby #3)!!! not happening....esp with holidays upon us! Dropped 8 the first week (mostly…
  • I am having my Mirena removed after18 months. I LOVE the Mirena! I love not menstrating or worrying about pills. However I am a personal trainer, I have my BA in Health and Exercise. I have gained 25 lbs since having it inserted. I have taken oral birth control my whole life for cystic ovaries without an issue. I have done…
  • From experience with freeloading family members...your agreeing to provide a roof for them w/ or w/o them paying is a binding contract weather written or verbal. If you chose to 'evict' them you HAVE to give them writen notice 30 days prior to said 'eviction' date. Your best bet is to mail it to them at your address with a…
  • cardio is going to be your best bet. only thing squats, lunges and wt machines are gonna do is tone up those muscles underneath the fat bulging you out even more. Also steer clear of the elliptical for extended periods of time, its good to throw into the mix here and there but that bulks your legs too. Get on the bike or…
  • The elliptical is notorious for doing this. It is a good thing though....because the elliptical extensively tones your quads and glutes you may see that the pants are tighter in the thigh area but keep up the work the fat will gradually thin out and only the muscle will be left and those jeans will fit nicely.
  • I am 5'8 and am aiming for 140 where I was my happiest. I was once 125lbs and looked sickly. I am currently 165lbs 2 years after having twins.