

  • I've just started ussing MFP (Properly!!) alongside Slimming World & it is going to work - lost 10lbs in 2 weeks & I'm not massively overweight - probably need 2 stones off for a healthy BMI. I need the motivation (& fear!!) of a class leader telling me off!! Slimming World is great - it's so flexible but you can't cheat…
  • Hi - I've just invited you as a friend. i've just started (properly!!) on this & I'm going to Slimming World too. I love Zumba - just started that 2 or 3 times a week & other classes so hopefully we should both be going down in the weight department!! Good luck
  • Hi I'm from the UK too & a gym fan & like you no weight loss - very frustrating & annoying but I have noticed I am alot fitter than most of my thinner friends - keep going, check your portion control - you'll get there - feel free to add me!
  • Totally agree - don't do it!! The "natural" ones I've tried have given me such a sore stomach & other unpleasant side effects that I couldn't bear them any longer - can't possibly be good for you. Diet & excercise are the only way - take in less than you put out.
  • Add me - I'm 32 & have got about 30lbs to loose but need support!!