Diet Pills.. Personal Experiences & Recommendations



  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I guess diet pills aren't that popular here!

    Of course not. This is a fitness website promoting weight loss through diet and exercise.
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    I'm getting a bit sick and tired of all the "pill bashing" going on here. I take prescribed diet pills (Duromine, or Phentermine in America) as a boost in conjunction with healthy diet and exercise.
    Don't do it. They don't work, they mess with your heart.

    I'm sorry but the disclaimers on those things are like:

    "Works best with regular exercise and a balanced diet" <

    I was never under the impression that they would work without diet and exercise - anyone who would expect that is an idiot. It's too boost weigh loss, not magic it out of nowhere. As for the heart issue, that's why it's prescription only. It won't be prescribed to anyone with blood pressure or heart problems and your blood pressure is monitored throughout.
    Unless I just lacked all self-control (which I do not) then I would not take them again - and don't plan too. If you have enough self-control to wake up every morning and say yes to the pill (which I really never looked forward to taking) then I think you probably have enough self control to say no to food. They truly are an enabler toward binging, bulimia, anorexia, and malnutrition.

    When you take the pill you cannot take it with food or anything other then water or it doesn't work/doesn't work as well. Really you should start off the day eating something healthy. So, this is a stark contrast to what is good for you and what your body truly needs. It suppresses your appetite for the rest of the day. When really you should be eating small meals throughout the day.

    I have a lot of self control, thank you. I take two weeks off in between month long courses and recently took two months off on bed rest after an operation. I've never put on so much as 100g in that time. I would hedge a guess to say that the people who stack the weight back on as soon as they come off it are lacking in self control. I don't binge eat and I don't feel like I'm heading towards an eating disorder either. You can certainly take it with food and it will have zero effect on its efficacy. I still eat small meals throughout the day and I have a very balanced, very healthy diet.

    I lost 10kg before I even started on Duromine, so I do know what's involved in weight loss. Since then I've lost another 26 kilos (that's over 80 pounds). I eat no refined carbs and almost no processed foods. I run for 40 minutes and do strength/flexibility training most days of the week. I feel better than I ever have in my life and I really resent anyone telling me that I'm unhealthy or that I haven't worked hard. Just because a diet pill hasn't worked for you, or you put back on all your weight, or you had side effects, it doesn't mean you get to slag off people who do take them.

    I would always say that you must talk to your doctor first, even for supermarket or chemist brands. Never buy ANY medications online. They are not a miracle cure, anything that claims to be isn't worth your money. Lastly, don't ever mix diet pills and always check with your doctor if you're on any other medications.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Don't do it. They don't work, they mess with your heart.

    I'm sorry but the disclaimers on those things are like:

    "Works best with regular exercise and a balanced diet" <

    I was never under the impression that they would work without diet and exercise - anyone who would expect that is an idiot. It's too boost weigh loss, not magic it out of nowhere. As for the heart issue, that's why it's prescription only. It won't be prescribed to anyone with blood pressure or heart problems and your blood pressure is monitored throughout.

    If you work out and eat a healthy balanced diet you will lose weight anyway though! It's such a con! It's the same as face mask manufacturers putting the instruction "clean face throughly first" :laugh:
  • fbraithwaite
    Totally agree - don't do it!! The "natural" ones I've tried have given me such a sore stomach & other unpleasant side effects that I couldn't bear them any longer - can't possibly be good for you.

    Diet & excercise are the only way - take in less than you put out.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I've never tried any, but I almost tried alli once, and it makes like an orange substance come out of you. Ew. I would stay away from it.
  • kandire
    kandire Posts: 87
    My stand on this topic is that since this is to be viewed as a lifestyle change and not just a diet I don't want to use anything that I won't be able to/ feel comfortable using for the rest of my life. That said, if you feel strongly that you NEED to use diet pills please do so only under the advice of your Dr.
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    Don't do it. They don't work, they mess with your heart.

    I'm sorry but the disclaimers on those things are like:

    "Works best with regular exercise and a balanced diet" <

    I was never under the impression that they would work without diet and exercise - anyone who would expect that is an idiot. It's too boost weigh loss, not magic it out of nowhere. As for the heart issue, that's why it's prescription only. It won't be prescribed to anyone with blood pressure or heart problems and your blood pressure is monitored throughout.

    If you work out and eat a healthy balanced diet you will lose weight anyway though! It's such a con! It's the same as face mask manufacturers putting the instruction "clean face throughly first" :laugh:

    Yes, you will lose weight but not as quickly or consistently. Like I said, they boost your weight loss not replace diet and exercise. And just for the record, of course you have to cleanse before you put on a face mask...
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I would recommend cinnamon supplement, fish oil and a multy vitamin. I have notice that when your body has everything it needs.... it tend to let go of the weight.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Focus on having your diet and excercise down well first.
    If you still need help on top of that, then start considering a diet pill.

    Dunno how any of them had cocaine in them, seeing as cocaine is illegal.??

    I had a little luck using controlled lab's REDuction shots. Just a little 1oz drink in the a.m., and one before bed.
    No stomach issues, slept like a baby at night. Will cost you like 20 bucks probably.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    At the risk of sounding harsh, if you want to lose weight and have to resort to a pill, then you're probably not in the right frame of mind to lose weight.
    Well said, short but to the point.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    double post
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    One of my really good friend is a cardiologist and she can't tell you how many woman she has seen come into her office with heart problems because they take diet pills. Diet pills work by increasing your heart rate which helps burn some extra calories. If you eat right and exercise the weight will come off. it will take time and the only thing to speed it up is to workout a lot. If you want to lose weight quick, I would suggest buying a workout program like p90x. My buddy did and has lost liek 50 lbs. He barely even cheats the meal plan that is given to you with it.
  • Bob_Sugar
    Bob_Sugar Posts: 61
    I've been taking them on and off for years. The latest is "oxy elite" and does it work? Hell yeah! Idk what these other ppl are talking about "cheating"...what are we dating? If your goal at the end of the its about losing weight then its by any means necesary.....cheating....what a joke.
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member

    Look, if you want to lose weight it's going to take discipline, self-control and consistency. You WILL lose weight if you stick to eating healthy and exercise using this site. It might not be EASY or as FAST as a diet pill may be able to provide at first but it will only be an immediate fix NOT a life long one.

    If you slowly learn to eat better and exercise now you will continue to live a healthy life for the REST of your life. People are so used to getting what they want AS FAST as they want it which I believe is a big reason people are so out of shape. Why do you think so few people are in top shape? Because it's not easy but it CAN happen if you take the time to do it right.

    I don't mean to rant but I just want to see everyone do the right thing and not lose weight as fast as possible just to have it back fire soon after. It took me years to do this the right way and I can honestly say I am in the best shape of my life. Good luck.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    I'm getting a bit sick and tired of all the "pill bashing" going on here. I take prescribed diet pills (Duromine, or Phentermine in America) as a boost in conjunction with healthy diet and exercise.
    Don't do it. They don't work, they mess with your heart.

    I'm sorry but the disclaimers on those things are like:

    "Works best with regular exercise and a balanced diet" <

    I was never under the impression that they would work without diet and exercise - anyone who would expect that is an idiot. It's too boost weigh loss, not magic it out of nowhere. As for the heart issue, that's why it's prescription only. It won't be prescribed to anyone with blood pressure or heart problems and your blood pressure is monitored throughout.
    Unless I just lacked all self-control (which I do not) then I would not take them again - and don't plan too. If you have enough self-control to wake up every morning and say yes to the pill (which I really never looked forward to taking) then I think you probably have enough self control to say no to food. They truly are an enabler toward binging, bulimia, anorexia, and malnutrition.

    When you take the pill you cannot take it with food or anything other then water or it doesn't work/doesn't work as well. Really you should start off the day eating something healthy. So, this is a stark contrast to what is good for you and what your body truly needs. It suppresses your appetite for the rest of the day. When really you should be eating small meals throughout the day.

    I have a lot of self control, thank you. I take two weeks off in between month long courses and recently took two months off on bed rest after an operation. I've never put on so much as 100g in that time. I would hedge a guess to say that the people who stack the weight back on as soon as they come off it are lacking in self control. I don't binge eat and I don't feel like I'm heading towards an eating disorder either. You can certainly take it with food and it will have zero effect on its efficacy. I still eat small meals throughout the day and I have a very balanced, very healthy diet.

    I lost 10kg before I even started on Duromine, so I do know what's involved in weight loss. Since then I've lost another 26 kilos (that's over 80 pounds). I eat no refined carbs and almost no processed foods. I run for 40 minutes and do strength/flexibility training most days of the week. I feel better than I ever have in my life and I really resent anyone telling me that I'm unhealthy or that I haven't worked hard. Just because a diet pill hasn't worked for you, or you put back on all your weight, or you had side effects, it doesn't mean you get to slag off people who do take them.

    I would always say that you must talk to your doctor first, even for supermarket or chemist brands. Never buy ANY medications online. They are not a miracle cure, anything that claims to be isn't worth your money. Lastly, don't ever mix diet pills and always check with your doctor if you're on any other medications.

    Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Respectfully, my comments were not toward you personally. I am sorry you took them that way and were offended up them. I was writing to the original poster who asked for my opinion and experience. And that is my opinion and experience.

    Everyone may not use them to aid in an eating disorder and they might not tempt everyone to abuse them, but I still view them as enablers. They can be bad for an individual who has a distorted perception of food already. Every woman that I have ever known to be on them (including myself) struggled with eating disorders and the pill enabled it. That is my experience. You are apparently an exception, and that is wonderful. But they are what they are, and in my opinion, they are still enablers.

    It is wonderful they have aided in your weight loss. That is the one plus of diet pills, that they do aid. But, the big con is they are bad for your heart and health. When I was on them, I use to argue to this "So is being obese. I am going to die one way or the other." And that might be true, but the fact is the fact: they are (in my knowledge) detrimental to the health of an individual who takes them. I guess in the end it just comes down to one's priorities. More fast paced and supposed consistent weight loss and putting bad pressure on your heart or a few more months before you see your goal and the knowledge and peace of mind of knowing you have not done damage to your heart.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Don't do it. They don't work, they mess with your heart.

    I'm sorry but the disclaimers on those things are like:

    "Works best with regular exercise and a balanced diet" <

    I was never under the impression that they would work without diet and exercise - anyone who would expect that is an idiot. It's too boost weigh loss, not magic it out of nowhere. As for the heart issue, that's why it's prescription only. It won't be prescribed to anyone with blood pressure or heart problems and your blood pressure is monitored throughout.

    If you work out and eat a healthy balanced diet you will lose weight anyway though! It's such a con! It's the same as face mask manufacturers putting the instruction "clean face throughly first" :laugh:

    Yes, you will lose weight but not as quickly or consistently. Like I said, they boost your weight loss not replace diet and exercise. And just for the record, of course you have to cleanse before you put on a face mask...

    Well agree to disagree. If it's prescribed great but I certainly dont think over the counter is the way to go. As a previous poster said this is a lifestyle change not a 'diet.'

    For the record I don't have a problem with anyone who has or does use them but I wouldn't recommend them.

    That last comment was a bit self-righteous, jeez lighten up!!!
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    Isn't the goal to be HEALTHY? What's the use of losing weight using diet pills, etc. if you're not healthy in the end? Seems a waste of time to me.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Here's a well-written blog by a respected MFP member about what these type of pills do and don't do, and how they work and why they may not be the best choice.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I pop pills for weight loss. yep and I haven't gained it back! Fish Oil and multivitamins. I also eat as cleanly as possible. which mean I avoid processed crap as much as I can. and I excercise too. walking, jogging 4-5x a week. gym to lift weights 2-3x a week.

    Hey me too! lol
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    Don't do it. They don't work, they mess with your heart.

    I'm sorry but the disclaimers on those things are like:

    "Works best with regular exercise and a balanced diet" <
    I agree! They can really mess you up! Read their side effects and disclaimers- not so safe really. Give you a heart attack or make you crap your brains out all day. Yuck.