Diet Pills.. Personal Experiences & Recommendations

Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
So i want to try out a diet pill.
But i don't know which ones actually work.

I would like to hear some recommendations, and maybe some personal stories about using them.

Also i don't want to try anything dangerous. I found one that looked amazing but then found out it had cocaine in it.. I don't want anything like that.

Any help would be grately appreciated.


  • dcerna62
    dcerna62 Posts: 45 Member
    My friend used Phentermine and lost 60lbs while on it. It's a prescription diet pill and very effective but it can be addicting. A different friend used Hydroxycut. She lost 45lbs, 170 to 125, which was her goal. I'm using Slimquick. So far I like it and the effects aren't too terrible. Hydroxycut and Slimquick are both OTC's which you can buy at Wal-Mart, Target, CVS, GMC and Walgreens.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Don't do it. They don't work, they mess with your heart.

    I'm sorry but the disclaimers on those things are like:

    "Works best with regular exercise and a balanced diet" <
  • emmaphillips
    i've tried a couple of different 1s... i make sure i get them from health food places like Holland & Barrett (in u.k) so that makes me trust them abit more, especially if u go for the 1s with more natural ingrediants. The best 1s i've tried have been the 'Super Green Tea Diet' (which has alot of other things in like ginger, caffeine, dandelion etc to boost metabolism + digestion), Apple Cider Vinegar supplements (great for digestion and de-bloating) and 'Fat Metaboliser' (similar things to super green tea but with more things aimed at helping fat to not absorb).

    The more natural the ingredients, the better it's likely to be for you is my thought. Never buy from a random online store that advertises dramatic weight loss because that's when you could be getting pills that don't necessarily have what they say in them! xx
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Don't do it. They don't work, they mess with your heart.

    I'm sorry but the disclaimers on those things are like:

    "Works best with regular exercise and a balanced diet" <

    I totally agree! Have some Green Tea, and eat and exercise and you will get the same results! Why would you risk your body with something like that? There is no easy way to do this. Its hard work and you have to really want it.
    You didnt get overweight overnight, and there is no magic pill that will make you lose weight overnight. What a waste of money!
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    i've tried a couple of different 1s... i make sure i get them from health food places like Holland & Barrett (in u.k) so that makes me trust them abit more, especially if u go for the 1s with more natural ingrediants. The best 1s i've tried have been the 'Super Green Tea Diet' (which has alot of other things in like ginger, caffeine, dandelion etc to boost metabolism + digestion), Apple Cider Vinegar supplements (great for digestion and de-bloating) and 'Fat Metaboliser' (similar things to super green tea but with more things aimed at helping fat to not absorb).

    The more natural the ingredients, the better it's likely to be for you is my thought. Never buy from a random online store that advertises dramatic weight loss because that's when you could be getting pills that don't necessarily have what they say in them! xx

    Just because something has natural ingredients DOES NOT BY ANY MEANS mean it is better for you!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I tried xenical years ago under dr's care, and honestly, the side effects weren't worth it. As of right now, there is no 100% safe pill on the market. The truth is that it is only after years of people taking them, that they find that they might be actually dangerous, so for me, the risk is too high.

    I read an article not long ago about the fact that there will never be a foolproof pill for weightloss, because obesity is not only a physiological condition but an environmental as well.

    I've decided to forgo pills alltogether, but if you decide to take them, I'd suggest that you do it with your Dr's advice. Good luck!
  • Procellifer
    Just because something has natural ingredients DOES NOT BY ANY MEANS mean it is better for you!
    Seconded. Arsenic is 'natural'.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Don't do it. They don't work, they mess with your heart.

    I'm sorry but the disclaimers on those things are like:

    "Works best with regular exercise and a balanced diet" <

    This is so true. There was a story in the British papers recently about a minor celebrity who had used "diet" pills and now her heart stops randomly. HER HEART STOPS. At the risk of sounding harsh, if you want to lose weight and have to resort to a pill, then you're probably not in the right frame of mind to lose weight. That being said, there is nothing wrong with trying to speed your metabolism in conjunction with healthy eating and exercise, but this can be done in safe ways - green tea, adding spices to meals (cinnamon, ginger, paprika are thought to speed tablets). Apple Cider Vinegar tablets also apparently speed weight loss and metabolism of fats, but can be dangerous and painful (speaking from personal experience regarding the latter) if you overdo them.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    I used Phentermine and lost about 70 lbs and then within a year and half had gained all of it back + more. I lost to 148 lbs. I was until recently 246 lbs. My aunt recently used them and lost 80 + in just 3 months and she looks fantastic, but I am just holding my breath for her to gain it back. It always happens.

    I actually still have some left over. They are an appetite suppressant and, from my understanding, function as speed too. They work. However the cons 1) my breath was AWFUL! 2) my jaws would ache when I would eat 3) I literally did not want food. It disgusted me to think of food sometimes 4) I fainted while I was on them 5) They (and any diet pill for that matter) is not healthy or good for you. 6) They make you VERY angry. Every person I know that has taken them (me, my mom, my aunt, my friend, and a couple cousins) all become very irritated on them and angry. Well, all except one of my cousins and that is simply because I have never asked her if it is so for her. The littlest thing can really tick u off toward the end of the day. I don't know how this works and why they effect me (and the others) this way, but they do... without fail. Come to think of it, that was the worst part of taking them. They totally altar your attitude, especially later toward the day.

    They also make you feel really weird. It is like a cold sweat, tingly feeling toward the end of the day... I call it "bologna-face" because it is very oily and that is how my skins starts to feel when cooking fried bologna (silly, I know). lol. Anyway, it is an awful feeling. And they have a tendency to cause me to be very weak.

    Unless I just lacked all self-control (which I do not) then I would not take them again - and don't plan too. If you have enough self-control to wake up every morning and say yes to the pill (which I really never looked forward to taking) then I think you probably have enough self control to say no to food. They truly are an enabler toward binging, bulimia, anorexia, and malnutrition.

    When you take the pill you cannot take it with food or anything other then water or it doesn't work/doesn't work as well. Really you should start off the day eating something healthy. So, this is a stark contrast to what is good for you and what your body truly needs. It suppresses your appetite for the rest of the day. When really you should be eating small meals throughout the day.

    When I started at a gym my mother started with me. Her trainer put on this big show about how to be healthy. When they started to talk and she honestly asked him about them he told her he was on them as well. He took half of the pill to suppress his appetite. I have done that too... mostly because of the attitude thing. It did help, but it is easy to build up a tolerance to them after you take them for so long. After 70 lbs lost they just didn't work (even taking the entire pill. I would have needed something stronger.

    Taking pills that truly are unnecessary is never healthy or wise. I regret my decision, despite that I made it numerous times. It was bad every single time. This is the first time I have truly exercised and dieted correctly and it the best... it truly is. I do not feel deprived, angry, jittery, or anything. I feel happy, fulfilled, satisfied, and in control. It is great.

    I hope you don't make the decision to go after them!!!

    EDIT: Phentermine is prescription, btw.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Don't do it. They don't work, they mess with your heart.

    I'm sorry but the disclaimers on those things are like:

    "Works best with regular exercise and a balanced diet" <

    This is so true. There was a story in the British papers recently about a minor celebrity who had used "diet" pills and now her heart stops randomly. HER HEART STOPS.

    I read that! Was it Michelle Heaton?

    EDIT: - here it is. It is the Daily Mail though :ohwell:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I pop pills for weight loss. yep and I haven't gained it back! Fish Oil and multivitamins. I also eat as cleanly as possible. which mean I avoid processed crap as much as I can. and I excercise too. walking, jogging 4-5x a week. gym to lift weights 2-3x a week.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    Terri Schiavo (who was starved to death by her husband after being in a persistent vegetative state since the 90s) had cardiac arrest (which put her in the state) due to diet pills.

    They are not good for your heart and just a simple google search can prove that.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Don't do it. They don't work, they mess with your heart.

    I'm sorry but the disclaimers on those things are like:

    "Works best with regular exercise and a balanced diet" <

    This is so true. There was a story in the British papers recently about a minor celebrity who had used "diet" pills and now her heart stops randomly. HER HEART STOPS.

    I read that! Was it Michelle Heaton?

    EDIT: - here it is. It is the Daily Mail though :ohwell:

    Yes!!! I do love reading the Daily Hatemail online though, the comments make me seethe, sigh and laugh simultaneously, quite a feat!
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I pop pills for weight loss. yep and I haven't gained it back! Fish Oil and multivitamins. I also eat as cleanly as possible. which mean I avoid processed crap as much as I can. and I excercise too. walking, jogging 4-5x a week. gym to lift weights 2-3x a week.

    Yep, I do the same thing! Weights 3 days a week, Zumba 5 days a week, and Cardio on the two non-Zumba days!

    This takes hard work and dedication you guys! There is no easy out on this one!
  • francinecowart
    i've been using alli the only FDA approved diet pill on the market ( so my doctor said) .....I went from 224lbs to i'm not losin my new doc and i are trying this....just diet and exercise and eating healthy....i ruined my metabolism taking over the counter asthma and allergy pills that gave energy...i took those for 12 years...up to 3 bottles a day...i've been off them for 7 years come december 20th...but my metabolism is ruined........i wouldn't recommend taking anything...just a thought:)
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    Why don't you just take a load of amphetamine and laxatives, same effects, probably cheaper.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Why don't you just take a load of amphetamine and laxatives, same effects, probably cheaper.

    I really hope thats sarcasm....
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Why don't you just take a load of amphetamine and laxatives, same effects, probably cheaper.

  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    As some one who is always teetering that line, I have considered everything. I watched both my sisters lose weight rapidly and both have gained it and more back. I know women who have had great "Initial" success with Predetermine but they too have gained it all back and more.

    The way I see it is if we train ourselves to eat right and exercise, the chance of gaining it back is substantially lower. Also we had changed habits that are detrimental to us by that time. In addition we haven't risked our physical health by drastic or medicated changes.

    Just my opinion. I am one of the LAZIEST people I know. Seriously, I do not want or like to exercise!

    I will lost this weight and keep it off simply by dedication and determination alone.
  • monica2410
    monica2410 Posts: 124 Member
    I guess diet pills aren't that popular here!

    I use a brand called Relislim. I don't know if it can be found in the UK, I bought mine in South Africa. My sister recommended them to me after massive (30-40 kg) weightloss which she has kept off for 2 years now. She stopped taking them after goal weight. They are really an appetite suppressant. I take them half an hour before breakfast and lunch. Sometimes in the evening before dinner. I have to be careful with coffee (which i used to drink from morning to night) as they are high in caffeine (50mg per tablet, I take 2).

    I recommend that you ask your doctor and have a medical examination before taking any medication or supplement. It was my sister's doctor who recommended the pills and I had a thorough medical examination including blood work before I started taking them. They are not a magic wand though but since I obviously lack the will-power that so many have:smile: , they take the edge off a restrictive calorie diet nicely.