slegle Member


  • No, you're not alone. I have to get up at 5 or 5:30am to exercise or it won't happen with 4 kids and I'll lose all motivation at the end of the day. As much as I HATE getting up early, I've forced (or had my husband) force me to get up and I am always glad I did. If you can get into a routine of starting (even if for a…
  • Mountain Dew. I like it too much. I've cut way back and don't feel guilty when I do have one.
  • I'm in the same situation. I've been excercising for 2 1/2 moths and have recently started tracking my calories. Haven't lost a pound yet. I'm very discouraged, too. Hold strong and don't go to McDonald's! I've done that and always felt worse. When I have waited it out and not gone, I've always felt better and was glad I…