Cahgetsfit Member


  • Exactly what @sardelsa said up there. Reduce the deficit when you are close to goal. It's too hard to maintain it and sanity at the same time. I just upped my calories now that i'm only 2 vanity kilos off my "goal" - it was getting way too hard to maintain the higher dificit. And i'm still losing, and still calorie cycling…
  • By "at night" I mean 6pm. I rarely eat after 7pm unless it's because of special occasion.
  • why not? just curious as to why not. some say you should brush after every meal. Not hard brushing, but brushing nonetheless. I brush often as a throwback from when I had the old-skool braces back in the olden days.
  • Hm. One thing I have noticed when people say they decided to be "healthy" is that they will eat all sorts of "healthy" things that are actually massive calorie bombs, but they are unaware of it. Because it's a paleo gluten free keto avocado brownie, then it must be healthy and therefore OK to eat the whole tray. However,…
  • if it's normal chocolate or chocolate with nuts, I can't - I eat the whole bar if the bar is there. I can however moderate eating super dark - 99% dark chocolate. 3 little squares. very slowly. delicious and velvety and you can't eat more than that as it's too strong. Can you up your dark chocolate-ness? And just get the…
  • could be the shoes you are wearing? what shoes do you wear? I'm assuming at a warehouse you need proper safety boots? and the fashion story though do you need to wear fancy fashionable shoes or can you wear, say, sneakers?
  • totally unrelated, but once many moons ago when I was trying oral contraceptives and none were working with me, my Dr prescribed one with a high testosterone level. I punched my then boyfriend in the face because he was annoying me while I was trying to watch Beverly Hills 90210. It felt good, I did not regret it. I am not…
  • The more muscle I have, the more I can eat. Winning!
  • Mine is a mix of rice and pea protein. Whey gives me gas. Tastes fine, mixes fine. Only sold in Australia tho the one I buy.
  • I agree with the AA thing. I have a friend who has been very successful with AA (and all sorts of other As like NA and SLAA and some other A). Maybe the SO should go too. Things sound very spiraly in your world. As in downwards spiral-y. Why would you have shots when it's not even a party? I get it (sort of) for the back…
  • I sometimes have that reaction to some pulses too - depends how they're cooked. If cooked for ages or in a pressure cooker, and with a tsp of bicarb soda it's ok - you need to cook the gas out of them - you will see the top of the beans/pulses the liquid will be all bubbly with gas - you need to cook it until all that…
  • Jeez dude, there's your answer! Start eating again and make sure you get enough protein. My hair and nails grow like mofo due to high protein intake. I literally have to dye my white roots every 2 weeks coz hair grows that fast. Like other people have said - eat food. Have a diet break for a bit - a GOOD bit - log all your…
  • hm, if your fruit is less than 20 g carbs I suppose so? Why keto anyway? Because it's magical?
  • Interesting topic. I can't eat raw tomatoes - they just make my mouth go "BLEH" and the supposedly wonderful taste is just not. I have tried a few times too, but I just can't. However, if they are cooked, or sundried - yep, I eat them just fine. Haven't noticed any bloating or anything either with those. What I have found…
  • I don't spin, but a friend of mine has been doing it for almost a year now, and last time I saw her I was amazed at how hot her legs and booty looked! AMAZING! Almost made me want to start spinning. As others have said above - if you don't like muscular legs, stop spinning... or spin less. Like once a week, not 3-4.
  • bare feet. Unfortunately the gym won't allow me to do that, so i've succumbed to Vibram 5 finger shoes. EDIT - I've been wearing zero drop "barefoot" shoes for a while now. It takes some people a while to get used to being barefoot so it can be uncomfortable. It's the opposite for me now - I feel uncomfortable if I wear my…
  • I am intolerant to lactose. I can eat some cheeses and yoghurt without issues, as long as it's not every day. If I start to eat it every day I start to bloat. I don't like to completely eliminate it because that makes it even worse when you DO eat it, and hey, who doens't like a bit of ice cream on occasion, right? You can…
  • Ok, I have struggles with this too - particularly if i've been in a deficit for a long time, or if it's a large deficit. What I found has worked for me is to do calorie cycling. I will eat less during the week, then have 2 days where I eat more. Even up to maintenance if I need to. So for example, my maintenance is ~2000.…
  • YOu know what OP? This is only the second thread I"ve been in that you've been asking for info and I appreciate that you are new to lifting etc etc. Please go get a trainer to show you how to do stuff. It's a complete waste of time to just go around doing "whatever" - and dangerous - as you've just found out with your back…
  • yeap. Sydney.
  • I thought of it coz I was watching some Netflix "get fit" show recently (possibly called Strong? I can't remember - it was a bunch of women who got paired up with a trainer and they did fitness stuff and challenges to win) anyway, some dude was a good hanger and always won the hanging stuff, and in one challenge they had…
  • I'm supposed to be working. So far I have only done ONE work-related thing and it's already lunchtime. Just not feelin the work vibe today.
  • Interesting, I want to try it now too! I doubt I'll be able to hang for long. I wonder, was any grip allowed? Like could one do one reverse one normal grip, like for deadlifting? Would that help perhaps? The Ninja Warrior sign up site thingy for Australia says you need to be able to hang off a bar for 2 mins to get in.
  • PS - all the machines and stuff? I use a whole damned bunch of them. I'm not a powerlifter though I do do the 3 main lifts regularly, but going against the grain here, they are not the be all and end all. It all depends on what you want. You want pure strength with the added bonus of muscle aginz? fine. powerlift away. You…
  • I gave up reading after page 4. OP - get a trainer to show you what to do. Not forever, just for starters.
  • I have done them in the past, but they're not my favourite thing. I know science these days tells you to do push/pull etc etc but I feel better and think I get better results doing the old-skool bro splits. However, in terms of the supersets, casting my mind back to when I gave it a go (only lasted one program - about 8…
  • Re unsolicited advice, I've been guilty of doing that in the past actually. Generally I will only do it with people I know/interact with at the gym. People I actually talk to. Unless they are very good actors, I think they were OK with my unsolicited advice. Sometimes they even come and ask me about something they are…
  • yep - same here!