

  • I have totally been where you are. I went from 242 to 174 about 6 years ago. I'm back at 203 again and I feel defeated. I had a lot of stuff happen in those 6 years, but it still happened. I did it to myself, nobody made me eat that food. but when I get under 200 I almost "relax" like, well at least I'm not 200 lbs. This…
  • My Dad is a "food pusher" too, even when he asks me if I've gained weight 5 mins before. You just have to say no. I know its hard if you have no will power, but you have to. To the others that seem so sure of themselves, I'm glad you have have it all together and have no weaknesses. Wish I was you.
  • My biggest issue is exercise, totally. I need to get more consistent with it, or I will never keep weight off.
  • I prefer the phrase, "Food Pusher". I'm not going to pile on with any other things about your living situation. My Dad is a Food Pusher. I can walk away but my husband can't. When we visit, he is always offering us stuff. He is being nice and he is elderly, so we cut him some slack. I've even told him not to offer my…
  • make that 25 Thanks to holidays Debra