

  • I do my deads with bare feet... Best thing I ever did...
  • As I tried to explain, proponents of the bmi use a formula to calculate adiposity... It is: Adult Body Fat % = (1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x Age) - (10.8 x gender) - 5.4. According to this, my bf percentage is 46 percent. My actual body fat percentage is 33.3% (give or take a couple of points), even so, that's a HUUUUUGE…
  • Again, I was only pointing out that according to THE STANDARDIZED modality, either way, high adiposity or low, that the fact that in one year, according to ITS measure, I supposedly went from 5 to almost 50 percent (all the models estimates, mind you!) body fat! I see I shall have to quit being sarcastic, and/or…
  • Thank you, that was the whole jist of my post... Lol!
  • I am not confused whatsoever, my wording might have been off. I'm not perfect. Body mass index is, according to my own anatomy and physiology textbooks, and my biochemistry textbooks, used as an adiposity estimate. Based on my bmi, I supposedly have 46% body fat. Anyway, the point of the post was that it was boocaca, and I…
  • (Remember, I'm 45 with a history of orthopaedic surgeries with metallic instrumentation) I lift heavy in the gym, (compound exercises) and do hiit and controlled fatigue training, alternating for 5-6 days per week, on a keto adaptation plan. My goal is to become fat adapted, and I have trouble getting all my…
  • I'm only going to speak from my personal experience, so please don't poop on me. I gained 50 lbs of beer fat in a year. I always weighed heavy, at 5'3" and 134 lbs, I was a size 4. I looked awful.... I started working out two months ago by doing HIIT, and compound strength training on alternate days, six days a week at an…
  • Yep, booze is a killer.... Take it from me... And as long as you have fat stores, you won't starve....